Hello! I hope you & yours are having the happiest of holidays!

Larry and I have been babysitting my son’s puppy for the past few days, and it’s been dog mania with our three and this little one. Just how I love it.

I’ve been thinking about you and your writing, and want to share a few ways to end this year strong.

1. My daily tracking app is now FREE on the iTunes store. Many people use this app to keep track of (and thus stay motivated for) their writing practice. The color-coded calendar allows you to log your progress on anything you want, and as many things as you want (food, weight, health, sleep, love relationships…). But since I know your book is important to you and it’s only going to happen if you show up on the reg, I encourage you to use it if you already have it, or to download it if you don’t. It’s so easy to start logging your writing time, and it’s fun. Best of all, it will keep you from lying to yourself about how many words you’re actually getting down on the page:). *Sorry, it’s not yet available for Android users.

2. Next up: My free audio writing tips on soundcloud.

I’m loving creating these quickie audio tips of some of my favorite ways to help you get ‘er done. I’ve got four more coming before the end of the year, but here’s a brief summary of the last four, in case you haven’t heard them yet:

Day 8: How Diaries Make for Better Writing

It’s been said that in using a diary or a journal, you get the gift of experiencing life twice. I love that image and using a diary has most definitely given me some of the greatest gifts of my life (see the above Boyfriend Log). In this tip, we look at how several famous authors have used their diaries to enhance their writing lives, and talk about how you, too, can make the most of this practice. Enjoy! xx

Day 7: The Beauty of Blast Partners

These days, everyone is super concerned with their social media numbers when it comes time to sell a book… how many friends they have on Facebook or followers on Twitter or Instagram, for starters. But one thing I like to focus on even more than those numbers are my LIST ALLIANCES. Meaning, the ability to tap into the social media and opt-in lists of other people. In my experience, this can positively kill social media numbers. Here’s why …

Day 6: The Power of Emotions on the Page

Have you ever read a book you really loved that didn’t have emotion in the story? Not possible, right? Emotion is a thing that propels a story forward and gets you to feel what the characters are experiencing. It allows you to put yourself in their shoes. But emotion has to be shown, not told, and this can be challenging, as you know if you’ve ever tried to explain how you felt when you were angry or excited or scared, without using the words angry, excited or scared over and over. I love, love, love this resource for showing emotions and know you will too…

Day 5: Creating Blocks of Time to Write

It was 2013 and I was pooped, fumbling to hear the voices in my head that were actually mine amidst so many client stories and accents and personalities. I knew I needed to unplug, refuel. Focus on my creativity uninterrupted so that I could make major headway on my own book and be more present for everyone when I returned. But how? This one thing changed everything for me…

3. Lastly, a holiday discount for your book, blog, or biz video from my son, Tosh, who’s creating some beautiful stuff…

“Tosh did an amazing job on my trailer. The depth of the details in the video is unreal to me. I was moved by his first trailer–the one about a girl who wanted to pursue a career in acting. I was in tears when I saw the video because I could relate to the story. Collaborating with Tosh to make my blog trailer was a possibility sent from heaven. It was perfect. I’m very thankful.”  ~ Dixie Marroquin, financial blogger & author, Washington, D.C.

Have you been toying with the idea of creating a video for your work? Perhaps you’ve heard the stats that video is shared 1200% more times than links and text combined. Video trailers are a game changer for getting your message, service, or product out into the world. Because video has a 41% higher click-through rate than plain text search results, it’s a fast way to take your work to the next level.

Camera shy? As a kid who acted in national commercials and even a movie (directed by David Fincher) Tosh has tips for that, or can hire actors for you.

In a hurry? He works fast.

Creatively blocked in your video ideas? Brainstorming is his happy place. Mine too. (You know I’m putting in my 2 cents for my tribe.)

Worried about costs? You need professional lighting, direction, camera work, setup, editing and sound, etc., but the going rates for business video production can run from $5000 – $12,000. Tosh is a trained, skilled new filmmaker eager to build his portfolio, so he’s offering similar production value at a much more affordable rate.

Tosh! … I love to see young people creating with passion. For what it’s worth, I work in a film school surrounded by filmmakers and I’ve seen a lot. You have that something I love to see in our best students!” ~ Evfa Cerises, Scottsdale School of Film + Theatre 

Not sure you’re ready yet? Sign up and secure your discount, and then take the time you need before starting production.

Okay. That’s all for now. Sending you big love from very cold Los Angeles right now (relatively speaking, of course). My most sincere thanks for a wonderful year. I love being a puppy and book mama!




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