More Dreamy Testimonials

There are always new deals in the contract-signing phase, which can take months. So, check back often for the latest news. You’ll see many on my main retreat page, and more here, below…

A Paris Year“As for selling my second memoir, PARIS YEAR, to St. Martin’s Press, it’s all with the help of Linda and her mojo. Writing a second book proposal after our Carmel retreat was WAY EASIER.”

Janice MacLeod, author of NYT bestseller, Paris Letters (Sourcebooks), and Paris Year (St. Martin’s Press)

The Illustrated Herbiary“Pine and jasmine, rosemary and moss: those are the scents of my first book being born at Linda’s Carmel writing retreat. Now I’m celebrating the 2nd anniversary of my #carmelwritingretreat with my 2nd book deal! Just came through—exactly 2 years post-retreat.

“Carmel is a writer’s retreat on steroids. Linda is in love with her work and her tribe, and this love oozes into every luscious minute. Trust me, when you’re loved up like that, you become your best self. She gave me the confidence to make this happen: I didn’t know my plant write-ups were engaging and enticing enough to be a book until Linda told me they were. They say ‘A rising tide lifts all boats.’ Linda lifted us—each one of us—and continues to.

“I spent a good portion of my life as a writer in search of my story; now I’m overflowing! You’ll know it’s time if you feel almost, but not quite ready. ;) That was me. And P.S. While you get tons of writing time, this isn’t a monastic experience. The friendships I made were priceless (and pricey since we keep flying around the country to visit each other!).”

Maia Toll, author of The Illustrated Herbiary: Guidance and Rituals from 36 Bewitching Botanicals (Storey Publishing/Workman—an immediate Amazon #1 New Release in Plants & Biological Sciences). Click here to read Maia’s guest blog about her retreat experience—including how exhausted and terrified she was + news of her multiple book deals.

livinginfullbloomobamalivinginfullbloom“I had so many ideas, but wasn’t sure which was the BEST one—what to focus on to be a winner. I heard an interview with Linda, called her, prayed for guidance and decided to cancel everything, make the big commitment, and attend her Carmel retreat the next day! I have already written several books, I live down the street, and have wonderful women friends. I even lead retreats–so what I wanted was to be supported to take a dramatic leap into a much more personal voice with clarity, depth, and a good business sense of what would sell.

“Linda is a bit of a psychic, and zeroed in on key things that made my project much stronger. I’m delighted to say I’ve found a dear friend in Linda and am very appreciative of her support and direction professionally and personally. She has helped bring me to the next level; through her editing, brainstorming, and business acumen, I got a great deal with a formidable publisher (planning to also promote my book in their national magazine). In Linda you can find a wonderful partner to help bring your book forward into the world!”

Elizabeth Murray, painter, photographer, Monet gardener, and author of Living Life in Full Bloom, Rodale

From Linda: This photo gives me goosebumps. To see Liz’s book go from a dream-in-progress in Carmel to a beautiful reality, with our prez (Obama) stopping to appreciate it at Camp David? Dang. You NEVER know where a book will go!

superhealing“I cannot accurately call this a writing retreat, as it was a much more sacred experience for me. I was swept away and engulfed in a deeply spiritual space of creation—like church—where the forces bathed us all with the energy and assistance needed to write from our hearts in a most profound and powerful way. I wrote more efficiently and effectively in one day than I had in several years.

“Linda, you are beyond a wordsmith, and surpass the syntax of magic! I am still awed, speechless and deeply grateful for one of the most remarkable adventures of my lifetime. I used to think they were about exploring external spaces and places. Now I know, the truth. The greatest journey of them all is the one that takes us deeper into heart’s core, and expressing its love. This week has been one of the most loving, profound experiences of my entire life. Thank you, my dear Linda for creating this most magnificent opportunity to grow more fully into myself as a writer, a woman and a human being!”

Elaine R. Ferguson, MD, author of Super Healing: Engaging Your Mind, Body, and Spirit to Create Optimal Well Being, HCI (and PBS special)

Summer Raine by Laurie Wajda“My time in Carmel was nothing short of amazing. What could have taken many months took but a few short days, and I will forever be grateful. This experience will always hold a special place in my heart, right next to my first kiss and my first bite of chocolate…”

Laurie Wajda, author of Summer Raine (+ Falling Raine, Angel, & No Remorse–a romance and suspense novella series)

“The Carmel Writing Retreat was the beginning of my journey as an author. Linda helped me to see the JOY in the creative process. She is a playful woman, writer, and editor, and made the week celebratory and effective. I continued to reference the wise notes I took that week throughout the entire book writing process.”                                                                                                                            

Dr. Dana James, author of The Archetype Diet: Reclaim Your Self-Worth and Change the Shape of Your Body, with foreword by Mark Hymen, MD. (Avery/Penguin, June, 2018.) Congrats, Dana, for hitting #1 on Amazon in Women’s Health and Eating Disorders! And even more importantly, for touching women’s hearts and helping them to transform into more conscious, peaceful versions of themselves. xo

misdiagnosed“First, gratitude to you, Linda, for creating such a sacred space. The retreat was really magical for me, personally and professionally. But not just for me. I’ve talked with our “crew”–Katie, Holly, Janice, and Jen. You created this space where everybody was free to be themselves, and to be the best version of themselves. And what amazing women you attracted! These are people I’m in touch with frequently, and will know and love forever! How often does that happen in just a week? Thank you! My proposal’s done. My manuscript’s done. Your final notes in our session following the retreat were specific, clear, and brilliant, and I’m so looking forward to meeting the agent(s) you have in mind. In short, I am forever grateful. I was hesitant on the price, but now I can’t think of a better investment I made last year.”

Jody Berger, author of the NYT bestselling memoir: Misdiagnosed: One Woman’s Tour of—and Escape from—Healthcareland, Sourcebooks

*Update: I knew Laura Yorke at the Carol Mann agency would love Jody’s memoir and pitched it to her in person. I called Jody 5 minutes later from the sidewalk of 5th Avenue and told her to email it directly to her, before we’d even had a chance to tell other agents. Bingo! Two days later, they were bonding over the phone–both graduated from Duke–and discovering friends in common. Jody signed her contract that afternoon and Laura sold the book to an amazing publisher who had the cover done before the contracts were signed!

“I consider Linda’s Carmel Writing Retreats a necessary part of my writing, self-care, and energetic hygiene. I’ve been to three (one about every other year), each one more important and powerful than the last. I get to get away, immerse, be with wonderful women — just as we are, with lots of tea, and endless insights. The investment in my craft makes me more committed to unplugging, digging in, and writing my heart out. I forget about everything for that week and allow myself to fully have it. Each time I walk away a better writer and human; quieter, clearer, and even more deeply connected and committed to the work. These getaways fuel me for months, and I’ve come to count on them, knowing that when I need an immersion—combined with R&R, guidance, the ocean, and alone time with my books—that sanctuary is there in Carmel waiting for me. Yum.

“And that’s JUST the retreat! Working with Linda over the last several years has made me better. And better. And better. Not only in writing all of my books — but also in navigating the adventures of the publishing world. I count on her as a trusted advisor and friend. In fact, after our last retreat when I was ready to shop the next book and change agents, Linda introduced me to my DREAM AGENT at Waterside Productions Literary Agency. They’re one of the world’s top agencies, with over $500 million in author royalties, but I felt like their only client from the start. My latest book deal was done shortly after. Linda is generous, loving, kind, funny, and crazily good at what she does. These retreats are an investment and one I find time and again pay for themselves in words, spirit, clarity, and results.”

Anese Cavanaugh, author of Contagious Culture, and the upcoming Contagious You (McGraw-Hill, Nov. 2019).

“This was, hands down, one of the best weeks of my life! It changed my life. I believe we have to steal time for our art, so while living in California and working as the Offensive Coordinator for the Cal Bear’s football team, I took a week in the summer and stole away to Linda Sivertsen’s #CarmelWritingRetreat. Although I’d previously self-published a football memoir and enjoyed everything from the writing to the TV appearances, I learned so much in Carmel. Linda opened my eyes to be so much more open in my life (and she damn-near forced me to vegetables, but I stayed strong). What Linda creates is magic. It’s just who she is.”

Tony Franklin, Author, Fourth Down and Life to Go  [* From Linda: The Wall Street Journal calls Tony “one of the most innovative minds in football.” To me, he’s one of the most open-hearted men anywhere. Love you, Tone. You will always hold the title of our FIRST dude!”]

unplug_cover“I am so grateful for the magic of Linda’s Carmel writing retreat—the sacred space she created for the birthing of this book. I am so grateful for her humor, her heart, and her soul… and the many ideas she gifted me that not only gave life to this book, but an entire business. I wish the human vocabulary could convey how awesome I think Linda is, but what I CAN express is that it was a magical week that changed my life!”

Deb Ozarko, author of UNPLUG, and podcaster at, Ontario

Unknown-1“Thank you for a life-changing week. I will never forget the connection we had, the laughter, tears and goose bumps we shared, not to mention the AMAZING stories and experiences. Wow.”


Kate McKay, memoirist, biz woman, mother, speaker, South Hampton, NH (Watch Kate’s video testimonial.)

Eldercareconsultant“Linda Sivertsen is my angel! I came to Linda’s Carmel Writing Retreat with two books. I’d already written a proposal for one, but was ready to ditch it because agents had told me there was no market for it–that helping people make the best choices regarding eldercare (the topic of my work and book) was easily done online. Linda refused to believe that, telling me that our aging population made this book unique and timely. She saw my heartbreak and wouldn’t let me give up. She quickly polished my proposal to make it stronger, introduced me to a great agent–Jeff Herman–who immediately wanted it, and celebrated with me when it sold. I’m now working one-on-one with my dream editor at a publishing house–the senior acquisitions editor–who loves the book. I can’t express how much Linda and the retreat changed my life or how much she means to me.”

Becky Feola, author of The Eldercare Consultant, AMACON Books–Winner of a prestigious 2017 Nautilus book award.

121181182“Linda Sivertsen—my guru and mentor extraordinaire. I have only the universe to thank for getting us together in Carmel, and the rest is history. Your friendship, guidance, and mad writing skills, along with the blueprints on how to write a winning book proposal, were the defining moments for this project. You are an incredible support to writers everywhere and one of the finest women I know.”

Julie Colvin, author of A Cure for Emma (Norlights Press)

girlonbike“My time at Linda’s writing retreat at Carmel was the push I needed. It was so helpful to be part of such awesome group energy, and I’m still in touch with some of the women. I learned so much about going first class in my efforts at self-publishing my memoir. Seeing my book in my hands, after years in the making, has been a life-long dream come true! The paid speaking gigs and successful book signings are the icing on the cake.”

Colleen G. Hannegan, author of The Girl On Bike, Laguna, CA

“I can’t believe how amazingly well this video captures the essence of the retreat… except for the fact that it’s a million times more life changing when you’re actually there. Surrounded by sisters. Being lovingly pushed by Linda to be your best. I’m so grateful to have been a part of this whole journey of yours, and it is still to this day inspiring my every move. My every keyboard stroke. Thank you so much Linda for all that you do!”

Nathalie Lussier, tech & marketing guru, Aubrey, TX

“I love and am obsessed with you all. I can’t even begin to unpack both the rainbow unicorn and practical wonders afoot. I know it sounds hyperbolic but this has been the best birthday week of all time. It is just true. Wowza wowza Doogie Howza.”

Jenn Sutkowski, memorist and newspaper columnist, Cambridge, MA

“Without a doubt this was the most memorable, magical, life-changing week I’ve ever experienced. Thank you for everything you do Linda! Honored to have been a part of it.”

Allison Snyder, Martha Beck Life Coach, magazine writer, and memoirist, Paris, Illinois

“You’re a magic-maker. A dream unleasher. Thank you for hammocking our aspirations last week. I felt seen and held.”

Dr. Mandy Lehto, magazine columnist, memoirist, London

“The women I met and really saw at this retreat are my soul sisters. We will be friends forever, in a way that transcends my other friendships. That is not meant to lessen the importance and love in those friendships, it’s just different. We shared a life-changing experience; I liken it to veterans in the same unit. We dug deep, opened out hearts and lifted each other up. It was singularly the very best thing I’ve ever done for myself.”

Cindy Allen, excerpt from her Huffington Post article, “Reclaiming My Joy”

forgiveandbefree_grande“Linda Sivertsen is a master teacher, editor and writer. She inspires a vast fountain of creativity to pour over everyone at her retreats. Bright, open hearted, and funny, her style made it easy for me to relax and get some serious work done at the same time. Linda helped me in so many ways—not only with technical things like editing my book proposal and brainstorming new ideas, but also by supporting my work on more personal levels as well. She listened, suggested, prompted, laughed, loved and brought out the best in every participant. The working vibe was fantastic; I joked that I was in ‘smart, creative woman heaven’ and it’s true! When I got home, Linda thought of me for a beautiful book she’s co-authoring, and is publishing a piece of my work in those pages. She also connected me with a top agent for my own book, who got me a publishing deal. Wow.”

Ana Holub, author of Forgive and Be Free, Llewellyn, Mt. Shasta

*Update: It took me a while to find Ana an agent for her beautiful proposal… they say forgiveness is a tough sell. I wasn’t buying it. Fortunately, neither was Jeff Herman. Once he had the time to read the proposal + sample chapters, he wrote Ana the sweetest “Please forgive me for taking so long” email (LOVE that!).

“I’ve been a writer and editor for over 10 years, but I haven’t found my own voice.” Those were my words as I introduced myself to the group of women who would be my companions for the duration of my stay in Carmel. I went to Linda’s retreat on a wing and a prayer. I could barely afford the fee, but something compelled me to get myself there no matter what.

I’d been writing and editing for a succession of women’s magazines — and had become adept at adapting to THEIR voice. And in so doing had somehow lost my own. I brought with me several disparate book ideas in varying stages of development, and the desire to create something meaningful. I had read that Linda is a book whisperer, and that’s what drew me to her. But the retreat changed my life in more ways than one. I came away with something invaluable. Actually, three of them: a clear vision of the book I was born to write, my voice, and a new career — all thanks to Linda. During one of our one-on-one sessions, I voiced my desire to do what Linda does. Not only did Linda encourage me to give it a shot — after all, I’d been editing magazines for over a decade, why not books? — she actually offered to refer clients to me! Just a couple of months since returning home from Carmel, I’m working joyfully on my book AND helping several clients with theirs. Heck, I’ve already made back the cost of the retreat! But even if I hadn’t, it was worth every single last penny. And more. Thank you Linda.”

Claire Coghlan, memoirist, New York City

Update: The clients I’ve put with Claire LOVE her work. It’s been magical. As you know if you’re writing a memoir, your story can feel all-consuming. Claire loves getting out of her own head to help others, which then gives her more energy and inspiration to dive back into her own. I love win-wins!!!

bedeliciousnow“Linda, you are the most amazing individual. I’m so excited to know you and have experienced your most incredible retreat. It was the most inspiring thing, the best thing I have ever done! LOVE YOU.”

Barbara King, author of Be Delicious Now: The Ultimate Fashion Secrets!, Wardrobe stylist, Los Angeles + Florida (Barb didn’t want to shop for a traditional publisher. She knew what she wanted and made the book happen quickly. And, it’s gorgeous! Congrats, Barb!)

“My trip to Carmel was full of firsts. I read a blog from Danielle LaPorte talking up Linda’s writing retreats and instantly knew I MUST be there. From the moment I landed it was magical (to meet the best friend I never knew I needed standing in the driveway, icing on the cake). Linda’s retreat gave all of us a perfect place to let our walls down, tell our stories, and grow friendships I can’t imagine my life without. Linda knew of my urgency, and with my new best friend in tow, I altered my plans home and went immediately to L.A., where we stayed in Linda’s beautiful home.

The next day we met with a hot Hollywood writer that Linda knew could get my story told QUICKLY. Soon afterward Linda put her expert polish on my beautiful proposal and connected me with three top agents—all of whom got right back to us. After interviewing two of them over the phone, I signed with Laura Yorke, who impressed me with her speed of intelligent feedback/vision (the kind that comes from not only being a terrific agent, but from her long history as a top editor at big houses), and total enthusiasm for my story and selling it. My book and my dream would never have grown this big without Linda and the Carmel retreat. I feel more like her friend or sister than I do a client, and that speaks volumes about Linda and her love of making books a reality for writers. Going to Carmel was my best decision EVER!”

Jen Adair, memoirist, Seattle, WA

dismissed_h1002“Linda, you shining beacon, you radiant light, you warrior goddess, you holy mirror, thank you for giving me the tools to bust out… To steal some famous words in Jerry MacQuire, you are my ambassador of Quan, baby. I asked for a mentor and I got a Guru. Writing, marketing, networking, believing, dreaming, connecting, eating, creating, living, loving and laughing you are the example of the deeply rich, multi-layered, successful, authentic life I was looking for. A thousand hugs and a thousand kisses I bestow upon you in honor of who you are… and who you dared me to become. Thank you.”

Dana da Ponte, co-author of Dismissed, Alberta, Canada. (Dana knew she wanted control of this book–a labor of love written for & with her mother. So, naturally, she started her own publishing house. Wow.)

“… It has been the most amazing, inspiring, fulfilling week. I feel like I’ve found someone who can be the guardian of my dreams… and also someone who will kick my butt… It’s been a magical, mystical, incredible ride, and I’d do it again tomorrow, if I could.” (She did, in June, 2016.)

Julia Mathison, banking lawyer, novelist, Australia (Watch Julia’s full video testimonial here.)

closer-than-you-thinksmaller1“Linda, I thank you from my entire heart and soul for helping me find the clarity and direction I needed regarding my writing project. I knew miracles would occur this week, but I had no idea how beautiful and powerful they would be for me and for everyone who was blessed enough to share in this experience. Thank you for accepting me and sharing in my journey back in time 22 years. I couldn’t have picked a better coach, mentor (and now) special friend, and group of sisters to re-experience that time of my life with me. You and our blessed group have given me back a piece of my heart and soul that I didn’t even know was missing and cracked. You have also given me the confidence and courage to continue down this new and divinely guided path that God has placed me on. Thank you, Linda, for your beauty, honesty, sincerity, direction, but most of all for following your heart and giving me the chance I needed. You are a gem! This week was heavenly and was one of the most miraculous weeks of my life. I can’t thank you enough.”

Debbie Heneghan, author of Closer Than You Think: The Easy Guide to Connecting with Angels on the Other Side (Hampton Roads). From Linda: Deb came to the retreat to write a self-help book, but I had a vivid dream the first night we were together that she was “supposed” to write a book based on losing her sister when they were kids. She could feel and see it, too, and wept (we all did). She asked me to be her co-author on the proposal and book, and I felt blessed from start to finish.


“Linda, last May in Carmel was the most amazing week of my life! It changed everything for me. Nicole [a best friend she met at the retreat] and I talk about it all the time. It gives me chills just thinking about it, and makes me smile ear to ear. I Love, Love, Love the videos! They capture the essence of the incredible magic that happens with you. My time there gave me clarity, inspiration, confidence and five beautiful soul sisters for life. I love it when you say, ‘It doesn’t matter what you’re writing, this is a retreat for creativity.’ I arrived in Carmel uncertain where I was going with my writing, unorganized in my thoughts and ideas, and thinking MAYBE I might have a nonfiction book in me somewhere. I left with five fiction concepts, a flow of inspiration, AND I’ve just completed 130,000 words of my first novel (with an agent wanting to rep me and take me to New York this spring)! All as a result of my time in Carmel with you! The videos beautifully convey the grace, the authenticity, the spirit of what transpires in that magical space you create at your retreats. I’m so grateful!”

Laura Rothschild, novelist, La Jolla, CA

“Very few things can capture the spirit of the Carmel Writing Retreats – but this video does a wonderful job. As a June 2012 Alumni – I can say that writing went from a distant dream to a tangible reality. Linda is a beautiful soul – who is grounded in business! Which was important to me – because I am more business person than writer! (Because of that, I am a bit nervous about all the writers reading this and assessing my grammar!) This is a great experience that will change everything for you. I had a vague concept for my book that Linda helped me distill into an amazing platform builder that combines my two great loves: entrepreneurship and recruiting. And if that wasn’t enough – she gave me a killer title for my book that brought it all together.  All in all, this retreat makes all of the amazing info in Your Big Beautiful Book Plan synthesize and become real. As a side note, I learned vegan chocolate chip cookies existed, and were actually quite tasty!

Rikka Brandon, recruiter, CEO at Building Gurus, Moorhead, Minnesota

innercritic“To anyone that aspires to write and publish – I wholeheartedly recommend Linda and her Carmel Writing Retreat. I can’t stop talking about it with friends as I am still on the Bliss-Ride! This is the first time writing felt easy, enjoyable and moving towards a reality for me. The group I was with were super smart, fun, dreaming, laughing fellow writers (Dr. Diane, Lisa, Kavita, and Jen and Merry too!). I got focused writing time, succinct feedback, encouragement, smart business thinking, and ideas on how to make the book and my work be even MORE of what I love.”

Stacey Sargent, business owner and author of Inner Critic, Inner Success (Three G Publishing), Seattle, WA

“Incredibly moving video of our time together! I’m so happy and lucky that I got to work with and learn from you, Linda. And very grateful to have you on my team. For anyone who hasn’t checked the video out yet – do! It totally captures the spirit of a retreat. And if you are thinking of going to one of these retreats… run, don’t walk!”

Amanda Blake, Master Somatic Coach, Tahoe, CA

“Linda, you are a life changer. YOU changed my life. And this retreat is your platform for making these miracles happen. I could watch this video over and over because it brings me back to a place where the most soul touching and beautiful women held space for each other as we went down our own paths – both together and alone – knowing we were connected through this unspoken bond. This IS more than just a writing retreat, it taps into your deepest potential and creativity, then cracks it wide open. Not only was I able to see that my book is possible, but Linda helped me discover a completely new path, business possibilities, AND my life force. I showed up in a vulnerable space, still recovering from a traumatic injury — this was never an issue for Linda. Instead, she made it a positive contribution to and for the whole group. There are truly no words. Forever grateful.”

“P.S. – And I have to add — it was the Big Beautiful Book Plan that brought me to you in the first place. Such an incredible tool. Anyone looking to write a book – to get published or to self-publish – or even if you’re just curious about the process, this is an amazing investment! It is so jam packed with content, generosity is the only word that comes to mind. AND it’s organized in such clear sections that you can flip back and forth to the sections you need to focus on or re-read! Wow.”

Kate Durie, former HR leader turned life coach/writer, Ottawa, Canada

loverehab“I came to the retreat to commune with God, and to unearth my writing muse for my book on Healing. What I found was a woman of incredible depth and heart who allowed me in the safety of our intimate group, to find my voice. Linda, six lives have been forever changed by your passion for living and your love. As in your Teleseminar, you give and give and give. There is no doubt in my mind that you are one of the finest coaches and writers in the world today. What a mystical, creative web you weave. Thank you. You rock!”

Lynda Filler, Whistler, Canada + Puerta Villarta, Mexico (Lynda was on fire to release her work into the world after her retreat–my first one, in 2009. Wanting to self publish, she never shopped for a publisher–at least not yet. Lynda’s done a beautiful job and her fellow retreaters and I are so proud of her and happy for her!)

Screen Shot 2013-11-25 at 10.06.11 PM“I came to Carmel to find out if I could write. I found myself instead. Linda’s workshop was an amazing amalgamation of storytelling, soul searching, and writing. Along the way, each of us had epiphany upon epiphany—that sudden intuitive leap of understanding about one’s self and the essence I was trying to capture in my writing. I arrived a novice and I left knowing I would become a writer. As I rode home along the ocean toward Highway 156, I felt like I could just drag my finger in that blue cotton candy sea—it was so yummy. I love Carmel… what can I say… I was on a high all the way home and I think I am still running on the energy, the awakening to a new life. I somehow feel that the gaping hole has been filled with what is to come. Linda’s workshop changed me—forever.”

Arlene Jordan-Levy, Novelist, Minden, Nevada (Arlene decided not to shop for a traditional deal, but to publish this on her own, quickly. The result is a beautiful tribute to her beloved husband’s life + their marriage.)

“Well, I got published in the first 20 minutes of our first day–how’s that for results! (A story Allie read was perfect for Closer Than You Think, which was due the following week. Happy to report that her story is officially printed in the final book, with info on Allie, her business, & website address in the reference section as well.) Honestly, the retreat was truly a life-changing, career-altering experience. I signed up hoping to clarify a few ideas for my book and blog and would up published in another author’s book, as well as having a polished article for consumer publications and an action plan for my Find Your Heart’s Voice workshops. I am beyond thrilled and know without a doubt that Linda is the real deal!!! If you have a dream–be prepared for it to come true!!!”

Allie Hill, Empowered Living Coach and blogger, Colorado

“Hi Linda, oh my dear I have been wanting to write you and tell you how impactful the retreat was for me. You created such a sacred space, which is of course just the essence of who you are. You nurtured our creative souls, you healed our tattered hearts, and you allowed us to be with our emotions, our voices and speak out truths, on paper and through our words. You saw our potential and wouldn’t let us sell ourselves short. You are nothing short of amazing and the retreat completely transformed my paradigm about being a writer. Every time I write I re-connect with what I learned in Carmel. Thank you for being such an authentic spirit amidst an industry of gloss, fame and superficiality.”

Jen Todd, founder, CEO of Breakthrough Partners, Inc., Detroit

“Linda has an innate ability to help writer’s find their voice and refine their book topic, and that was one of the greatest gifts I got from attending the Writer’s Retreat. It was such a fulfilling experience – rich with feedback from all the participants, and the sharing of ideas to help make each other’s words dance on the page. Linda has a wonderful teaching style – so personal, warm and intuitive, combined with a great sense of humor. When the end of the week came, I could have stayed for another week, but I left excited and motivated – I am totally refocused. I also have a fabulous group of new friends and created what I hope will be a lifetime bond with this small group of talented women. Most of all, I want to thank Linda, from the bottom of my heart, for helping me rediscover both the joy in my story and the confidence to know that the world will be a better place when I have the courage to tell it.”

Sue Landis, realtor, San Diego, CA

“Well, you so-cal girls are sneaky. All sunshine and sparkles, then WAMMO! Business done. Nice!”

Shelby Edwards, military veteran, emergency management, Seattle, WA

“My biggest take away from the experience, other than absolutely beautiful connections with 6 beautiful women (that includes Linda’s dog, who we all know I am completely in love with), which is no small thing, is a very real and very clear sense that, not only do I have books that I want to write, but that I am a writer. This clarity of self and dedication of heart is something I know I will carry with me and will be what carries my projects to completion as I reenter the demands and environment of my daily life. This is more than a writer’s retreat; it is a transformational experience for women who are writers.”

Julie Cramer, Writer, Healer, Intuitive, Coach, New York

jesustheforgottonyears“Hallelujah, I’ve found my personal book shaman woman. Linda Sivertsen is not only a superwoman who knows the book market like the pockets of her handbag, she is also a high spirited cosmic playgirl. She projected my vision board and I walked right in. I saw my book babies in real time, pregnant and ready to give birth. Carmel is a vortex where the trees kiss the sky and shift your ideas, and the ever-constant vision of the sea stretches your horizons wider than you can imagine. Sacred womanhood celebrating itself and one another in paradise. I loved the food (I felt so cared for), the all of our talks, and on my flight back to Europe, I knew my sacred book dreams and my time with these wonderful women crafted more than a possible book deal. Inner riches of sacred stories woven with wonderful experiences enriched our souls. Thank you, Linda. Your energy is wonderful and your advice, pure gold.”

Durga Holzhauser, author of Jesus, the Forgotten Years, the south of France

“Within a few months of watching my life turn upside down, I was scared. A good friend told me that the universe had opened up and grabbed me, that I would find my ‘tribe.’ My first thought was, ‘No way, where am I going to find them?’ Now I can honestly say that I have amazing women in MY tribe, thanks to the ‘bookbabes’ of Carmel [now their own facebook group]. The retreat was priceless to me—safe, comforting, and creative—full of ingenious ideas, support and advice. I love these women! My friend is laughing now, saying, ‘I told you so!’”

Robyn Loveland, Novelist, Omaha, Nebraska

“This video brings tears to my eyes. Such a magical and transformative trip it was for me to go to Carmel. I honestly cannot sing enough praise for the work I did there and the work that continues as a result. The connections I have made and the support I have received. It’s such a culmination of creativity, magic and absolute trust. The home feels like this earthy and inviting womb welcoming you and your your story/project to be open and raw and vulnerable and it’s just complete and utter amazement. I learned and gained so much from my experience and I plan to definitely return someday! One of the best investments I have made for my own journey and my writing. If you can book a few extra [days] like I did and really sink into that beachy Carmel atmosphere and just write and explore. I am always happy to promote this Linda, as it was so pivotal in furthering my goals as a writer.”

Crystal-Lee Quibell, writer

“If anyone is on the fence about going to Carmel, go!!! The experience will change you forever and you will find your tribe of soul sisters. I feel so blessed to have been able to partake in September. Linda Sivertsen is beyond talented and will welcome you into her heart and life wholeheartedly. You deserve it more than you know.”

Kristen Swarcheck

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