Beautiful Writers Virtual Retreat:
Me, You, and 4 other Magic Makers. xo
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“Working with Linda has been an essential and indispensable part of my journey toward the publication of my book, Kizuki. As far as I know, Linda is the only writing coach who goes so far as to extend herself as a liaison to potential agents—and now that I’m on the other side (yes, Linda helped connect me to my agent!), I understand why.
“It’s because she has to put her name, face, and reputation on the line for you—all of which she does because Linda is ALL HEART. I respect her tremendously for living, loving, and working this way.”
Mae Yoshikawa, yogini, adidas ambassador, & author of the upcoming memoir Kizuki: Life’s Tidal Waves + Epiphanies = Love Beyond Time and Death
“I’ve been to three in-person writing retreats with Linda and several virtual retreats. As a trial lawyer, my job has always been demanding. The retreats are my gift to myself—a place where I can take a deep dive into my stories. I love Carmel and was amazed to find that the online version of this work was equally special. The connections were just as deep if not more so, and having additional weeks together to brainstorm as a group and evolve our projects has been the sweetest gift.”
Linda Northrup, environmental lawyer, former mayor (Agoura Hills, CA), and author. [From Linda S: Linda N. is an incredible human + writer, and in addition to working on her projects, she also ghostwrites. I adored collaborating with her on a proposal we then sold to St. Martin’s Press via one of my agent connections, and I can’t wait for the next one. A win-win all around. Working as a team and literary matchmaking = my happy place.]
Hi, hi! Are you a writer hoping for the benefits of an in-person retreat, but looking for a more affordable option (that gives you more time, too)? This is it! The perfect retreat for people who’d rather not travel but want to supercharge their dreams. If breathing life into your stories feels more urgent than ever, I’m so happy you found us!
Here’s the 411 on the Beautiful Writers Virtual Retreat—similar to my in-person retreats by the Sea, with a few unique benefits:
Ease & Affordability. Because I’m not covering your stay at a world-class hotel with ocean views, king beds, and catered meals, those costs are deducted from your tuition. While still an investment, no doubt, you get the same massive results.
While my pastry chef will be cooking for someone else’s cravings, you get to enjoy your favorite teas, coffees, and snacks just as you like them. No long waits to get started or travel hassles. Rest well knowing we’re meeting from the comfort of your home WHILE you catapult your writing career forward. And, without the temptation of the cutest boutiques outside your door, you’ll SAVE cash. You’re welcome. Speaking of savings—there’s no rental car or pet-sitting fees.
More creation & incubation time: Also, since we’re not limited by the confines of staying at a hotel, we get to meet for WEEKS, giving you even more TIME to bond with the others and craft your masterpiece(s).
You’re excited to get MOVING. Odds are, you’ve been carrying this book for a lonnng time and you’re feeling urgent. Start today! The minute you sign up, you receive downloads of my 6-module Book Proposal Magic course, which includes Your Big Beautiful Book Plan. This is the best, most up-to-date information I have for you when you’re ready, and has resulted in lots of agent signings and book deals (the course currently sells for $800). Even if you’re not yet working on a proposal, listen to the audios while you multitask. Take a peek at the different sections. Watch your creativity go into overdrive, for your proposal and the book itself. (And you thought you’d hate this stuff!)

And, here’s what else you get—the elements that make my in-person retreats so powerful:
* The same high-touch, small number of participants (5 max), so everyone gets loads of value. You can’t imagine the bonding that happens when reading for and listening to each other’s stories. We laugh, we cry, we SEE each other. It’s my JOY to hear endless stories of how the groups continue on Zoom (and even in person) long after we’re done. Stories heal. Support = priceless. Love lasts.
* Lightening-fast group brainstorming sessions devoted to you and your book/books—where you get the benefit of groupthink on anything you want to share (a chapter, a blog post, an outline, a proposal—or just a messy tangle of ideas). The feedback is so phenomenal that people tell me they listen to the replays over and over, anytime they need a boost of clarity and confidence. (You’ll also be eligible to join our post-retreat Read-Ins anytime you’d like to continue this format & your momentum.)
* Private one-on-one sessions with me—weekly during the retreat and post-retreat for anything you need—editing, brainstorming, or crying about your dad or high school mean girls. (Kidding/not kidding—this success shit is complicated!) When it’s time for me to introduce you to literary agents, I love polishing your query, book proposal, & samples!
* Your own PDF copy of my latest and greatest book proposal for Beautiful Writers: A Journey of Big Dreams & Messy Manuscripts—with Tricks of the Trade from Bestselling Authors. (Many agents and several publishers told me it blew them away. I’m literally busting-my-buttons proud and buzzing to share it with you!)
* Follow-up literary agent connecting when you’re ready. (I email my literary dream teams your query letter, and we cross our fingers and then celebrate when they request your samples!) While I don’t know your destiny and can’t guarantee my agent connections will be the perfect fit for you, there are 1,000 agents in the US and about the same number throughout the world. If necessary, you’ll know exactly what to do to pitch yourself like a pro when the time is right.
* Plus, access to our new retreat-alum-only Read-Ins: These 3.5+-hour Zoomtastic brainstorming sessions are the perfect pick-me-up to add to your writing life if you’re ever missing the energy of reading to a group of brilliant writers. Accountability, fresh perspectives, camaraderie: These afternoons mimic our retreat reading sessions, one of the primary reasons why many of our writers repeatedly return in person or virtually.

“I started the New Year to complete my first memoir, which I co-authored with my husband, John. Within weeks of deciding to work with Linda and participate in her virtual retreat, a publisher (a fan of my work at Waxing Poetic) approached me, asking if I’d be interested in authoring a book. About Wonder!
“This is the kind of serendipitous magic that happens around Linda. Not only is she a masterful writing facilitator, but she also has a magnetic ability to cultivate the ground for opportunities like this. While I was a Beautiful Writers retreater, Linda helped nurture my memoir’s structure and voice while advising on the book deal for The Way of Wonder. She is a writer’s best friend, confidence-booster, listener, and unwavering guide. I am so glad I followed my intuition to work with Linda. I now have a book in the world and a dear, wonder-filled friend!”
Patti Pagliei, co-author of The Way of Wonder (RocK Point/Quarto/Hachette) and CEO of Waxing Poetic

To check out my results (past agent & book-deal news) and more about the retreat process, this Carmel retreat page shows you the results, regardless of venue. While I love in-person work, the online process has been delicious—who knew?
How often will I do these? I’m still determining. I’m promoting my book right now and writing—yay! But here’s what I do know: I LOVE leading these groups. I vet well. I attract stop-you-in-your-tracks talents. With open hearts and unbounded creativity, new books emerge, old ones get sorted out, and just like in person, we have psychic revelations for each other. Heaven.
What kind of writers show up? All types, every one of them phenomenal! And from all over, each craving the connection and synchronicity that comes from gathering with other magic-makers.
Want to join our next one? Fill out the form below, and let’s talk.

“I feel like I’ve met my new best friends at this virtual retreat–long lost sisters that have come together. It’s magical. I wasn’t expecting this. Thank you, Linda, for putting us together. Whatever wizardry you do behind the scenes, it works! I can’t even begin to explain it to people.”
Ami Au-Yeung, career coach, world traveler
“I am sooo glad I took this retreat. It’s the best money I’ve ever spent. I feel like the wind is at my back instead of in my face. I’ve been doing creative work my entire life, but I’ve never done anything this powerful, profound, or transformational. The time with Linda and our amazing group of brilliant women has been exactly what I wanted.”
Alicia Kratzer, writer, child welfare advocate
Our Schedule
(Each retreat takes place
over 3-4 weeks.)
Our Meet-‘n-Greet start date:
Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, 2024: 1:30 – 4 pm PDT
All Virtual Retreats kick off with an introductory “lunch” or “dinner” Zoom meeting, where we get acquainted, share our goals and dreams, and set the space for the magic to come. We don’t yet read. That happens the following day. But just hearing each other’s stories reveals surprising synchronicities and connections I could never foresee. Happens every time! (Retreaters have even been known to start dreaming about each other’s projects! “Hey, I had a few titles come to me last night for ya.” #magic)
Our 1st brainstorming session takes place after our intro session:
Wednesday, Oct. 23rd, 2024: 1:30 – 5 pm PDT
In this “formal” brainstorming session—where everyone gets 30 minutes devoted totally to them—you will read something that gives us a sense of your voice on the page. You’ll hear when we laugh or start to sniffle, sensing maybe for the first time, how your work moves a room. (Many retreaters have never shared their writing before and are amazed how good it feels to cease creating in a vacuum.)
If you’d rather talk about the many ideas and books in your head, that’s okay, too. This is YOUR time. We’re here to listen, ask smart questions, and help you find the shortest distance between where you are and where you long to be. We’re just as likely to outline a series of books or a business plan combined with a book as we are the one manuscript you thought was your sole focus.
After you read, we’ll tell you what we see, feel, and love about your story—and likely ideas to make it even more specific, cinematic, or marketable. This is where the braintrust in the room wows. Six heads kick ass over one, every time. I guarantee someone will have crucial information that you didn’t even know you needed. (Maybe they’re connected to an expert in your field, know of a book perfect for your comps, or they interject just the right zinger to make your paragraph hilarious.) You’ll leave this session clearer than you’ve been in forever, and excited about what to work on and read next. (Prepare to be amazed by everyone’s transformation at our 2nd brainstorming! Once the subconscious/muse knows we mean business it wakes up. “Oh! They’re all paying attention. Time to get BUSY!”)
Your first of four, 45-minute private sessions with me happens between our brainstorming calls.
(We’ll pick times at the end of our group sessions. And, if you’re cookin’ and at any point don’t feel the need for a private, we’ll bank your time for editorial and/or agent support after the retreat.) Together, we’ll cover anything you need, from editing, writing, business-ing, and life-ing.
Week 2: Our 2nd brainstorm:
Wednesday, Nov. 6th, 2024: 1:30 – 5 pm PST
Your 2nd private session = before our next brainstorming session, or whenever you’re ready, if you’re banking your hour(s).
You read what you’ve been working on—and marvel at everyone’s progress, especially yours!
Week 3: Our 3rd brainstorm:
Wednesday, Nov. 13th, 2024: 1:30 – 5 pm PST
Your 3rd private session = before our next brainstorming session, or whenever you’re ready, if you’re banking your hour(s).
The group’s seriously bonded by this point. You know each other’s work and have been pulling for and supporting one another. You’re invested, having laughed and probably even cried together. This is the time when Title, Subtitle, and Chapter Title support (even Log Lines!), seems to flow like crazy. Has something been stumping you for days, months, years? Bring it to your brilliant besties!
Week 4: Our 4th brainstorm:
Friday, Nov. 15th, 2024: 1:30 – 4:00 pm PST
I added this extra brainstorming session during the 2020 group because, well, why not? Let’s face it, Covid sucks. Everyone was aching for connection, so why not keep going? It worked so well that I’m sticking with it. xo
We’ve either already met for your 4th 45-minute private session, or are about to. Again, you can also bank your hours for a future date.
Retreat wrap up: Our final “Brunch” or “Dinner”:
Sunday, Nov. 24th, 2024: 1:30 – 4:00 pm PST
As we go around the group, my goal is that you leave with a strong game plan in place to keep up your momentum. We discuss daily and long-term time wrangling, next steps specific to you, and my favorite resources (I give you The List). Other topics we cover: best practices, query magic, agent-readiness, marketing and social media savvy, freelance support, celebrating your wins—you name it.
You have 2 private Post-Retreat Hours w/ Me (plus any one-on-one hours you might have banked during the retreat): I give you my Calendar link to support you in any way you choose. I’ll review your proposal and query letter (which you’ll have rocked from the step-by-step Book Proposal Magic course given at sign up). If you need a polish, I bring out my red pen (or track changes). We discuss which agents are a good match and when you’re ready, I send them your work. If you need further editorial or pitching support, I work hourly. And I’ve got fabulous resources and contacts to share. (I don’t get a cut of any of it; I just want to see your book baby thrive!)
“Thank you, thank you, thank you again for inviting me to join this incredible retreat. I literally couldn’t have manifested a better experience. It’s a perfect match!”
Stacy Rose, personal & development coach

The Price
The virtual retreat cost is $10,000, split into 2 payments of $5000. You’ll make your initial payment, receive confirmation that your spot is reserved, and access to Book Proposal Magic and Your Big Beautiful Book Plan. You’ll be charged the remainder of the balance automatically, 1 month later if you have booked more than 60 days before our retreat. If you’ve booked within 60 days of the retreat, the two charges will be 1 week apart.
Interested? Complete the form below to be notified of our next Virtual Retreat.