My beautiful writers,

I want to talk about the things we don’t talk about—that which shall not be named.

The unmentionable here is SHAME. The shame so many want-to-be authors have around not having the “right” credentials.

It was my father—on his deathbed—who let me off the hook when I told him I’d go back to USC to finish my degree. I had carried such guilt. (Ugh, the weight of those “dropped” classes on my confidence.)

The man who’d paid my college bills understood that I didn’t need calculus to balance a checkbook or statistics to raise my child. He understood that a classroom setting wasn’t the only place from which to gain wisdom—or to pursue the dream of writing.

What Dad knew, and I came to realize, was that I had the most essential ingredient: the DESIRE TO WRITE. Yes, I’d have to do a lot of things (inner work and external cultivation) to bolster my confidence. But who doesn’t?

Through interviewing nearly sixty of the world’s most successful authors for the Beautiful Writers Podcast, I’ve found that it’s quite common to feel shame about one’s lack of formal education. But no one’s immune. For those who did check all of the “right” school boxes, they had other fears—a concern they hadn’t “lived” enough, or had been overly influenced by the voices of others.

What comes from the SHAME of the lack of the right creds? Nothing positive. Only resistance.

What if we could say the things out loud that hold us back, hear that we’re not alone in dealing with them, that we’ll be able to manage them. Well, we can.

That’s why I’m honored to be part of Make it Mentionable—an online honest conversation extravaganza with 10 powerhouse women (writers, artists, strategists, business coaches) talking about the things that often feel unmentionable so we can make them manageable (as Mister Rogers advised)—and all breathe a collective sigh of relief.

Make it Mentionable is your giant permission slip to let your voice out, to bet on yourself, and create the life you REALLY want.

Hosted by my dear friend and colleague Alyssa Patmos, who helps women grow their influence by increasing their self-awareness, self-love, and their ability to express themselves. Liss, as I call her, used to work for me, and from the minute we met, I couldn’t believe how talented she was or how lucky I was to have her brilliant brain and huge heart in my life, much less business. I’m so excited for you to get to know the people who inspire her to be freeer, happier, healthier, fiercer.

Grab your FREE spot in Make it Mentionable.

Each interview goes deep talking about something that often feels unmentionable.


→ Laura Belgray: How to actually get paid to be you. (She’s known as the Talking Shrimp—God, her emails are HILARIOUS—and she’ll help you get started talking about yourself in a way that makes you positively magnetic.)

→ Erika Lyremark: Why sharp viewpoints are life (and business) savers. (And how you can cultivate your opinions.)

→ Jordan Gill: Why decision-fatigue is real and what to do about it. (You’ll walk away with a system for making decision-making a breeze.)

And me! I’m talking about how to release the grip shame can have on our projects. We go deep about how to get past life & writerly blocks to get your book, blog, or biz out into the world without sacrificing your values, health, or family.

This is a rare opportunity to have this level of honest conversation in your earbuds, talking about the things that so often feel unmentionable or hard to manage (and how to get through it).

Grab a spot in Make it Mentionable to snag your momentum and stand out.

To learn about the free access, the Exclusive Facebook Group (to continue the conversation, connect with the experts, and ask your specific questions), and sweet prizes, click here.

Can’t wait to “see” you there! I love talking about the real deal.

Write on,


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