
Marie Forleo’s MarieTV

How to Write a Book (and Actually Finish It) with Linda Sivertsen

Zibby’s Bookshop Interviews, Santa Monica, CA

In promotion for Beautiful Writers with Linda’s sister, Carol Allen. Watch full livestream on Zibbyverse.

Linda interviewing Carmel retreater Jessica Fein for her memoir, Breath Taking. Watch full livestream on Zibbyverse.

Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod

Permission Slip to Write a Book with Linda Sivertsen

Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books with Zibby Owens

Linda Sivertsen and Zibby Owens
Linda Sivertsen and Zibby Owens
Linda Sivertsen and Zibby Owens

From Celebrity Dog Walker To Celebrated Author: Following Your Dreams & Making Money As A Writer With Linda Sivertsen

One of my fave #BeautifulWritersBook chats yet! I 💜 talking about money. There’s so much to know and consider as a creative balancing bill paying and financing your dreams.

Jamila Souffrant
From Celebrity Dog Walker To Celebrated Author: Following Your Dreams & Making Money As A Writer With Linda Sivertsen

Martha Beck’s The Gathering Room with Special Guest Linda Sivertsen

Live with Kate Northrup

Know you’ve got a book in you? My friend Linda Sivertsen is here to help!

Kate Northrup & Linda Sivertsen

The Best Holiday Books & Bottles for Gift Giving CTV News segment

Natalie McClean highlights Linda Sivertsen and Beautiful Writers during this segment of pairing books and wines on CTV News, Canada’s most-watched news organization.

Books & Bottles

Spirit of Story Author Interview with Karin Gutman, Los Angeles, Nov. 2022

Spirit of Story

Want to Write for Success? Insider Tips for Getting Published

Download my free audio right now for:

  • THE #1 secret I’ve ever found for taking writing from good to unignorable—fast!
  • The top 3 little-known mistakes I see most new writers make, preventing them from landing that coveted book contract.
  • How to script your Book Proposal’s success so that you land your dream agent and dreamier book deal

You’ll also be added to my monthly newsletter for all the latest intel.

Happy Monday! See you in today’s Write-In, BWGers. 🥰 I’ll be Zooming in at 4 pm PT (- 7 pm), ready to connect & make magic on the page with my people. (I’ve been working on #YourBigBeautifulBookPlan2.0 all morning and loving it—so I’ll be working on that.) ✍️ Who’s with me—and what will you be writing today? PS. I`ll be taking over for Jenny tomorrow, so use my link for all 3 Write-Ins this week. 😘

xo (in bio).💜 #BWG #Writing #WriteIn #writeins #FriendsDontLetFriendsWriteAlone #Accountability #BookMama #beautifulwritersgroup #BWGers

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Nothing like starting the morning off with laughter. 😂🐶🐾 Happy Sunday! xo #toshsivertsen #grandpupphantom ... See MoreSee Less

2 months ago

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

Fun Fun! Question for you Linda as you have horses. Took my Dad to a stable yesterday and they gave us these treats to feed the horses. Do you know if these treats are specifically for horses or can other animals like squirrels, rabbits, birds eat them? We have some left over and didn't want them to go to waste. 🙂


Run run run, we love to run!

#BeautifulWritersGroup members! New Expert Interview on writing for MEDIUM is up in our member’s area. 🎉 (Different than #BeautifulWritersPodcast interviews.) In addition, you’ll notice that this week’s Member Spotlight in the newsletter is of the same gal! 😊 

Suzanna Quintana is a top MEDIUM writer who loves the platform and has loads to share as the editor-in-chief of The Virago (an imprint for Medium).

In this fabulous hour-long chat (which anyone can access by joining our writing group—see link below), Suzanna discusses how she’s built her email list, promoted her business, and had the time of her life finding her voice while heading up her Medium imprint AND getting paid to write each article. What’s Medium? An online social journalism publishing platform. Like a blog + an online magazine, used by 170 million readers & writers. ✍️✨🏆

We discuss: The difference between Medium & Substack (and why she loves them both). ✨
Watching her first online article go super viral (with millions of downloads) and what that taught her. ✨The importance of a great title & images, and tips to ensure you choose winners. ✨How to create a “call to action” in the bio of all your articles.✨The priceless value of owning your work by keeping your copyright (hence, having the creative freedom to publish your pieces in many other venues). ✨Finding the courage to tell your story when people in your life want you to remain silent. ✨The best way to keep readers on your website. ✨Why writing without the tools to properly combine sentences and share those expressions is like owning a Ferrari without the keys. ✨Using Medium’s built-in audience (a massive database with SEO) to grow your platform and help make you agent-ready. ✨Engaging with your readers in the comments section, where the real party is.✨

For all our interviews and access to 9 hours of weekly #WriteIns, monthly Q&A calls, our online community, and more, go to 📚

See you there. Write On!
LS x

#BeautifulWritersGroup members! New Expert Interview on writing for MEDIUM is up in our member’s area. 🎉 (Different than #BeautifulWritersPodcast interviews.) In addition, you’ll notice that this week’s Member Spotlight in the newsletter is of the same gal! 😊

Suzanna Quintana is a top MEDIUM writer who loves the platform and has loads to share as the editor-in-chief of The Virago (an imprint for Medium).

In this fabulous hour-long chat (which anyone can access by joining our writing group—see link below), Suzanna discusses how she’s built her email list, promoted her business, and had the time of her life finding her voice while heading up her Medium imprint AND getting paid to write each article. What’s Medium? An online social journalism publishing platform. Like a blog + an online magazine, used by 170 million readers & writers. ✍️✨🏆

We discuss: The difference between Medium & Substack (and why she loves them both). ✨
Watching her first online article go super viral (with millions of downloads) and what that taught her. ✨The importance of a great title & images, and tips to ensure you choose winners. ✨How to create a “call to action” in the bio of all your articles.✨The priceless value of owning your work by keeping your copyright (hence, having the creative freedom to publish your pieces in many other venues). ✨Finding the courage to tell your story when people in your life want you to remain silent. ✨The best way to keep readers on your website. ✨Why writing without the tools to properly combine sentences and share those expressions is like owning a Ferrari without the keys. ✨Using Medium’s built-in audience (a massive database with SEO) to grow your platform and help make you agent-ready. ✨Engaging with your readers in the comments section, where the real party is.✨

For all our interviews and access to 9 hours of weekly #WriteIns, monthly Q&A calls, our online community, and more, go to 📚

See you there. Write On!
LS x
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2 months ago

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