Zoom Read-Ins for Retreat Alumni:
Hi, lovely. I miss yer face! Want to jump on a brainstorming call and relive the magic of our in-person or virtual retreat days together? Ahhhh. Welcome to my Read-Ins, something I’ve wanted to do for years (but needed to finish my book first). These 3.5+-hour Zoomtastic sessions are for you if LIFE has interrupted your writing plans or you want more structured time to keep your momentum flowing.
You know how it works: When scheduled to read your writing out loud, you get juiced! You become more intelligent. Decisions you’ve been stalling on get clear. Pieces finish in record time. Storylines and characters, hell, even marketing angles, suddenly make sense. YOU’RE BRILLIANT! WHO KNEW? Your muse, that’s who! And so are your sisters (and the occasional brother). What a blast to see old friends (even for the many of you who’ve stayed in close touch) and make new ones. Easy peasy.
“Make time for a Read-In! As a repeat Carmel retreater, I am addicted to all of it, but mostly have come back for the ‘drug’ of fellowship, collaboration, and inspiration of sessions together. Virtual Read-in’s are perfect for retreaters looking for a fresh sprinkle of Carmel fairy dust in a trusted, curated circle of true peers. And it is a bargain.”
Jenny Carroll, lawyer & essayist
The love and permission we receive and give each other feel like a giant hug, a permission slip. You get confirmation that what you’re up to is working and tips for strengthening it. Your confidence and momentum soar. The camaraderie of the circle carries you. As people in your group share their contacts, ideas, and wisdom for your project, your nervous system calms down. That sense of crazy-making isolation you’ve been feeling? Buh bye. Your writing life just got a dose of JOY. These brainstorming sessions are a primary reason why many of our alums return several times, even year after year. Finally, an alternative!
Upcoming dates:
Sunday, June 23, 2024: 1 pm – 4:30 PST
Sunday, September 22, 2024: 1 pm – 4:30 PST
“You pay money, dust off your proposal, and you get it done!”
Betsy Ripentrop, author & yogi
Join me and four other magic makers for an afternoon of motivation, inspiration, and creative clarity. We can all use camaraderie. Because life. The past few years have been whoppers. Everything looks and feels different. If you’re like me, you’re grateful to have your wits about you and a little wobbly on your feet as you reimagine your life and rebuild your relationship with your craft. In my many dealings with writers, I’m sure of a few things: Writing keeps us sane. Not doing it hurts. And it’s better (and faster!) together, but also more complex these days after the challenges we’ve all faced and are facing. I’ve beta-tested two groups via Zoom (OMG, so good to talk LIVE again!) independently of our retreat groups. They were LIT. You’re my people, and feel instantly at home with each other. I can’t explain it (who can?!), but I can’t wait to keep going.
Whether you’ve been to one retreat or four, the beauty of these groups is undeniable. I hosted an alumni-only retreat at the La Playa Hotel this spring (see some of our recent book deals and covers here) and although I’d LOVE to inhale pizza with you by the sea again soon, in Zoom City, there are no flights or pet sitters to book and no gluten to avoid—ah, dear gluten. And, while I’d die a thousand deaths before wanting to live on Zoom (my eyeballs!), it’s surprisingly energizing in this format. Swear. Some things are just a mystery.
When you leave our love fest read-a-thon, you’ll have a recording of your 40-minute session to listen to any time you need a pick-me-up or a reminder of your beauty. (People report back that they listen to these sessions again and again.) In short, get ‘er done quicker and mo betta. Yep. Testimonials below.
See you soon. I can’t wait.
LOVE your face!

PS. What do we read again? Whatever the heck you want! A chapter, a book outline, part of a proposal, two blog posts, twenty-seven title/subtitle combos, or three book concepts scribbled on a Post-It. We got you.
PPS. Space is limited. If you have any questions, by all means, ask! Simply email team@bookmama.com.
“Linda’s Read-In pushed me to finish my memoir because it made me realize I was on the right track. I got what I needed thanks to Linda’s literary expertise, efficiency, ability to attract just the right people (so that the other writers on the call are aligned), and the perfect amount of woo-woo in her seer-level mysticism. Outside feedback is most valuable when it comes from someone you trust who knows publishing and is fearless in telling you what you need (versus what you want) with love. You get it, you’ve been on Linda’s retreat. It’s uncanny. I can’t wait to do another Read-In when my next bit of writing needs it. And at the price point, I don’t have to wait that long if I don’t want to. Winner, winner, get-published dinner!” ;-)
Jenn Sutkowski, writer, musician, shower/grower
“Spending several hours at a Read-In, sharing my work and receiving feedback from these literary ninjas felt like having a team of wordsmiths armed with red pens in the form of magic wands. And the listening part? It was like eavesdropping on the juiciest secrets of the writing universe. Linda’s Read-in was a crash course in creativity that left me buzzing with inspiration.
Janet Bertolus, writer & blogger
“I’ve never understood people who say it’s hard to get to writing. I can’t not write. It’s like breathing. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t bring me to my knees, especially when it’s going well. Trembling on the brink of unexpected cliffs. Yikes. That’s why the latest format is so perfect for those of us who’ve kept at it after Carmel, and in my case also after a virtual retreat. The same intensity, the same precious companionship with serious gifted writer people, the same affirmation from Linda along with gentle and not so gentle pushes to do better, to be more. And I didn’t have to consult with my financial advisor before signing up. Yay Linda!!”
Polly Bart, writer & sustainable general contractor
“Being able to share my work in a safe space with Linda and other talented writers is immensely valuable. I’ve gotten game-changing feedback as well as a sense of beautiful community. I highly recommend the Read-Ins!”
Kym Summers, writer