We’ve missed you, Danielle & me! Our season of book delivery kicked our asses. (How to Be Loving for Danielle and Beautiful Writers for me, both available for preorder.) But that’s what it takes, often, to create our best work. So, since we know we’re not alone in this endeavor to leave a legacy, we’re back together to dish, deal, and laugh about the absurdity. The hours! The focus! The omg never-ending details! Now that we’re on the other side, mostly, we couldn’t wait to share the backstory with YOU!

Beautiful Writers

Because, like us, you’ve been trying to write something valuable, right? Something that stands the test of time?! (That’s the hope, isn’t it?) We know you know. We raise our glasses to you for endeavoring to attain such a lofty goal:).

Thank you for listening, sharing, commenting, preordering, and helping us celebrate this milestone on the platform that started so much for us both. Dig deep with us as we cover: Networking chutzpa (naive much?). Wrangling celeb permissions & blurbs (when to push on; when to give up). When Oprah doesn’t call (or, rather DOES, but whoops… Lol).


In this reunion episode, we share why this SuperSoul 100 Leader and author of a heap of bestsellers left the podcast after a little more than a year—and how I nearly bailed myself but instead went ALL in. The reason we called each other sobbing over past books. And why Danielle opted out of the testimonial game for this new book. Plus, eleventh-hour miracles. And more.

We’re keepin’ it raw & real for you. Open books, as they say.

LOVE you madly.
Write on!

💜 xo

Listen on Apple Podcasts, or go to beautifulwriterspodcast.com for all the links. 

Subscribe, so you’re always the first to know when an episode drops.  www.beautifulwriterspodcast.com

PS. Enjoy the show? Please take a minute to leave a comment on iTunes or here, on my Facebook feed. I love hearing from you, and it helps other writers find us!

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