The magical duo of Rhonda Byrne & Kelly Noonan Gores are rounding out a bucket list week here at the Beautiful Writers Podcast. After years of dreaming, writing, podcasting, and, more recently, recording my latest book, the audiobook for Beautiful Writers: A Journey of Big Dreams & Messy Manuscripts—with Tricks of the Trade from Bestselling Authors (aka the guests of this show!) pubbed yesterday and this episode dropped TODAY.

When I thought about who, among all the writers in the world, I wanted to share the momentous occasion of my audiobook birthday with, the answer was crystal clear. Kelly is not just a dear friend but also someone whose life and career have been profoundly shaped by Rhonda’s work, starting with The Secret film that captivated the world in 2006. As you’ll hear, I don’t think I’d have ever seen my name on the New York Times bestseller’s list (in 2008) without Rhonda’s influence, so I had a strong feeling this conversation would be particularly intimate, spiritual, and delightful, which is precisely how it turned out. I hope you feel it, too. Not to mention, Ms. Byrne’s writing and publishing stories are mind-blowingly fun, and her FAITH (ALL CAPS) in the Universe is contagious—yes, please.

Rhonda’s energy feels so pure to me, even angelic, which helps me better understand why she’s so beloved and why The Secret has been published in fifty languages and is one of the most successful books of this century. (From the comments on Amazon, for example, I found 33,930 5-star reviews, with a stream of testimonials from readers reporting emotional, life-changing miracles.) With beautiful Kelly, the creator of the hit documentary and book HEAL, by my side, I feel surrounded by love and the highest vibrations, like the luckiest girl at the party. Their work has inspired many millions worldwide, and I hope it inspires you too.

Thank you for dreaming your dreams right along with us. Your presence in my life and Book Mama community makes this time of creative fulfillment feel even more special.


Linda xo

PS. Did I mention AUDIOBOOK? Ha. OMG, y’all. I’m the gal who spends hours editing each podcast and I had no control over this one! My audiobook publisher used two studio actors for the male and female celebrity voices from the show (which I thought I’d hate) and didn’t even let me hear it beforehand. And let’s not even talk about how oddly nervous I was in that studio the first hour—sheesh! But you know what? I love it. The sound quality of the actors, Leanne Woodward and Tom Perkins, is amazeballs. I adore their beautiful voices (there’s such an art to this; no wonder most authors don’t get to narrate their books). Now that I think of it, having sixty-two voices from the pod with varying sound quality (a few called in from their cell phones over the years, one in her car) might have been too much.

I can be my worst voice critic, but I think I quickly found my groove. Yesterday, while doing dishes, I had so much fun losing myself in my own story that my brain kept wondering what was going to happen to her (me) next in the storyline. In other words, I’m a big fan of the Beautiful Writers audiobook (God, it feels good to say that), and I hope you will be, too.

PSS. I love giving gifts on my birthday and book birthdays. When you order the Beautiful Writers audiobook before July 8th, you can enter to win fabulous writerly prizes over on In fact, in honor of today’s pod episode, I just had the idea to add The Secret Manifestation Cards & the new HEAL paperback as a bundle to the list of prizes for three winners because I can. I think Rhonda & Kelly will love that. I’m emailing them now. Wheeee. See you there. Write on. Listen on!

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