Writing Your Story

Writing Your Story

Every movement has a story. Every nation has a story. Every community has a story. Every person has a story. I believe you were born to tell yours. People are natural storytellers. We’ve been sitting around fires for forever telling our stories. Humans are...
On Co-Creating…

On Co-Creating…

Why do you write? What (or who) brings out your best work? Have you ever thought about what influences you to sit your derrière in the chair and log those long hours? We all have our reasons. Our short-term benefits and long-term motivations. And sometimes our passion...
It’s Never Too Late!

It’s Never Too Late!

Writers who dream of being published someday often mistakenly believe they have to do it in their 20s. Wrong. I did it with Lives Charmed in my 30s. And, for many authors, that was young. In this week’s Pub Tip, we’re going to explore first-time authors who were in...
Soulmates for Dummies

Soulmates for Dummies

Last week I shared my personal soulmate story. Coincidentally, this week my dear friend, publishing veteran Arielle Ford reveals everything she knows on the topic of soulmates in the paperback release of her bestseller: The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your...

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