

Happy almost New Year!! In this month’s issue of O magazine, Martha Beck’s article, The Wonder Years, suggests quite convincingly that we can all become miracle workers and create magic. It’s a good reminder for the new year—to be open to instigating and receiving...
Words Heal!

Words Heal!

I’m in beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii this week—my first weeklong vacation in years. I feel so grateful to be in such an enchanted space, my handsome man by my side as we hike the summits of Diamond Head or KoKo Head each morning before gorging on fresh pineapple and...
A Thanksgiving Valentine

A Thanksgiving Valentine

Hope you had a delicious Thanksgiving. We’re still in a turkey coma over here, but coming out of it FAST with two more client book deals in the works. Holy tryptophan! Busiest fall E.V.E.R. Thus, this week’s Pub Tip is super skinny: Today we’re honoring one of our...
Client Spotlight x Two!

Client Spotlight x Two!

Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble Gobble. I don’t know about you, but personally I’m so ready for serious eats, especially those buttery mashed potatoes, that I’m chewing on my ballpoint. But, what I’m really all-buttered-up about are my fabulous clients! It’s been a jamm’n...

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