The Olympics were a great reminder that we fall hard for others when we know their stories. It makes me think of what Glennon Doyle says: People are hard to hate close up. Once you know someone’s story, try not to care about their journey, right? As Jenn Sutkowski wrote in our last Beautiful Writers Group newsletter, “every gymnastic event, hearing about the athletes is like a mini-memoir… It isn’t just the athletes’ extreme physical prowess that keeps us coming back. It’s the guy from Worcestor, Massachusetts who removes his glasses and pummels the pommel horse by feel. It’s the stories. It’s the drama.”

I’ve been thinking about how our careers hold so much drama and are such a big part of our personal story. And how, hopefully, our missions align with what we choose to do to pay our bills.

My son just turned thirty-four, and it was a day of celebration for this mama. (I even made myself a cake because, hey, his birth was pretty f-ing momentous for me, too!) After watching my son struggle with OCD as a child and the effects of being bullied as a teen, nothing has made me happier than to see his story evolve. What could be better as a parent than to watch your child find his place in this world?

After graduating from film school, Tosh made a few book trailers for people and he appreciated the work. But it wasn’t his passion. He’s always had a massive obsession with movies (waking up with screenplays in his head as a five-year-old), but after acting in movies and commercials as a kid, he didn’t want to work in Hollywood, either. Like his mom, Tosh wanted to make a living from home so he wouldn’t have to leave his dog, Ghost, alone or with a sitter. In our family, almost everything comes down to the happiness of four leggeds.

So Tosh took his passion for stock day trading (something he’d studied for many years in his spare time), networked with the best of them, and started a membership site with two of the world’s top day traders. He did all of the building and grunt work for free for a year to get it up and running. Soon, they’d built a 7-figure business, and Tosh was teaching, leading conferences, and giving weekly webinars. Good Lord, I was proud.

He was helping people realize their dreams ethically (in a business dominated by questionable ethics) and loved much of the work. When someone he was coaching went from a minimum wage job to earning $100k+ a year, Tosh felt deep fulfillment. But something was still missing. A soul calling.

Filled with youthful energy and big dreams, Tosh ached for spiritual work. Something more aligned with his soul, not just his need to keep his pup in kibble.

My son has always been 100% drawn to the esoteric arts. Numbers (numerology), the stars (Vedic Astrology), elements, and other esoteric languages (Chinese astrology) speak to him and take a great deal of his daily focus. OCD is fabulous for mastery—just ask Howard Stern, Jessica Alba, Danielle Radcliffe, Cameron Diaz, and Justin Timberlake. Tosh reads endless books on these topics and has given readings to anyone who will listen for years (eventually to major business people). Like his aunt, it appears to be in his genes. (Certainly in his charts.)

You know how “they” say you should do for a living what you’d do for free? Well, Tosh has done countless readings for friends, girlfriends, and our family for the sheer fun of it. And now he’s finally hung his digital shingle and started an educational brand. If it feels like fun to you, check him out and maybe show him some love by giving him a follow on InstagramFacebook, or X.

If you’re in the mood for magic in your life + career, I can vouch for how Tosh gives INCREDIBLE readings. His take on Chinese astrology and numerology (combined with some Vedic) is so accurate it’s mind-boggling. I had no idea I even “needed” to know this information, but OMG, has it brought so much entertainment and clarity. My sister Carol recently had him on a few of her VIP membership calls to read for her ladies, and they flipped at how spot-on he was. (While on the call, explaining to a gal that she was in her enemy year and needed to be careful, her bathroom ceiling started falling in!) 😮

Tosh and I can be watching TV, and he can look at someone and usually guess what month or day they were born and their Chinese animal sign—predicting when they’ll be successful or not. For reference, get this: Turns out Will Smith was in his enemy year when he hauled off and slapped Chris Rock. Had Tosh been advising him, he would have told Will to lay low, be on his best behavior, and not take unnecessary risks, especially in front of billions of people. 😉

Now, however, Will is riding high with the hit film Bad Boys: Ride or Die in a very favorable year to him (a Dragon Year) and, incidentally, also favorable to his best friend of 30 years and co-star, Martin Lawrence. Deadpool & Wolverine, starring buddies Ryann Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, is another example of a Dragon and Monkey (like Will and Martin), crushing it in a Dragon Year with a hit movie launched on an 8 day (all about money). Tosh goes into more depth on this stuff in social media videos like this one. I joke with him that he should go to Vegas and place bets on who will win the fights he’s constantly calling accurately in my living room.

If you’ve ever noticed that some places seem to bring you luck and others hardships, or how you feel in flow with some people (or days of the month) and NOT with others, there are shockingly accurate ways to move through the world, and when you know them, life gets a lot easier, fast. It’s like we really do live in the Matrix. Tosh can help you understand who your best partnership signs are and how to avoid your “enemy” people, places, and even products (or know more clearly how to work with what you’ve got). He’ll show you which numbers (including addresses, days of the week, month, or year…) to align with for abundance and ease. You’ll know when to stay home versus go all out on all the stages—and everything in between. He says, “It’s not logical. It’s astrological.” This means there’s no “fault” when the energies of people or periods don’t align. It’s just energy.

All I know is that when I follow my son’s advice, everything’s easier. Tell Tosh I sent you, and he’ll give you extra TLC. 🎉

To your success,

Linda xo

PS. In the video, I mention my sister having Tosh fill in for her on a few tele-seminars while she was traveling. Whoops! I meant on two of her VIP membership calls. Oh, and the “link below” I mention at the end here is to Tosh’s Instagram (since I originally made this video for that platform).

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