It’s that time again! I’ve raved about these titles on social media (following agent signings & inked deals, announcing pre-order campaigns & pub days). But I’m HOPELESSLY TARDY sharing these beautiful books with links to their author sites, a tradition I started last year celebrating new alum books between Carmel writing retreats. It was easy to pen blogs promoting five or eight new books (7 if you don’t include my own). But since I’m only doing two Carmel retreats a year, the numbers are mounting, and Mama’s had writer’s block! Help! Like spring flowers, new titles keep popping up. I finish making a graphic of all the latest, get an alert that another one’s coming out soon, freeze, notice that the pups have to pee, and spend the next ten minutes saving bees from the pool.

Counting is my life. We have eight dogs (my husband is a wanna-be zoo keeper, and our life’s a muddy, hairy, fabulous paw party—THANK HEAVENS FOR VACUUMS). I count to eight all day long and even in my sleep; my constant waking vigilance to ensure no one’s jumped a fence, dug out, or been carried away by predators spills over into my dreams. (Don’t worry; they spend more time on the couch than anywhere, but tell that to my mama-bear nervous system.)

Likewise, I’m constantly counting client milestones. While I continuously improve at keeping track of 500 gals and a few dudes over the past fifteen years (I increasingly worship tech systems), I LOVE my people so much that I can tinker too long to get their write-ups “just right.” Do you ever do that? Miss momentum because you’re being a perfectionist? I mean, how to summarize so much love & badassery in a paragraph or two—or three or four (my summaries are getting LONNNNNNGER with each tinker). But I may have just had a breakthrough. I just realized that this isn’t my last blog post, even though new titles will pub soon. I can (and will!) write another blog before or after my September 29th retreat (and will enroll the gals of my Beautiful Writers Group Monday Write-Ins to publicly shame me if I don’t get ‘er done faster next time. In truth, these total love bugs would never browbeat me or anyone else for missing a “deadline.” Still. Accountability.

Now, let’s talk about why we celebrate each other . . . 

Suppose you’re one of our #Carmelies, my affectionate name for people who’ve attended a retreat with me (yes, I’m lumping the virtual gals into this hashtag until someone comes up with a suitable equivalent—#Virtualie?—doesn’t have the same ring). In that case, you know these celebration posts are more than just announcements. They’re a call to action for our community to unite, buy, share, and otherwise participate in the love of broadcasting good news from one of our own. Writing a book and seeing it through to publication can feel as complicated as growing a rare flower like this Impatiens Bequartii, known as the “Dancing Girls,” a species from an east African rainforest. And so, like bees visiting a garden, we’re spreading our proverbial pollen and nectar from book flower to book flower.

photo of orchids

AND, LORDY, ARE THESE BOOKS EVER SWEET READS! Ready? Please put your hands and eyeballs together for . . .  in no particular order: 

Anne Kiehl Friedman’s HIGHER LOVE: A Psychedelic Travel Memoir of Heartbreak and Healing will be one of your favorite memoirs. Mark my words. That was my experience, and I read a LOT of memoirs. I call Higher Love “Eat, Pray, Love on acid.” Clever, ya? I’m telling you, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to travel the world via the Netherlands, Morocco, Turkey, Spain, and other richly sensuous locations and gain life-changing wisdom while on psilocybin, ayahuasca, LSD, and cannabis, here’s your window into her world. As Anne (a two-time Carmel retreater) searches the globe in her quest, boring, no-tripping types like me didn’t know we desperately needed to live vicariously through this incredibly able narrator. You’ll be cheering by the end as Anne’s healing leads to the last place you’d ever think to look (but that’s much easier than all that plane and train hopping while high).

Anne, a brilliant writer (and ghostwriter for world leaders, no kidding), interfaith minister, and entrepreneur, graduated from Stanford University with honors and obtained her MBA in Spain before attending seminary in Berkeley. In her words, she chased everything society told her she should want: Marriage. Professional achievement. Thighs that didn’t touch. But all that got her was depression, anxiety, and disordered eating. When her fiancé dumped her without explanation, she bought a one-way ticket to Costa Rica for answers. First, a spontaneous psychedelic experience in the jungle brought her peace with three simple words. Then, in Amsterdam, on magic mushrooms WITH HER DAD (OMG, that scene had me snort-laughing!), she had a series of visions that allowed her to let go of self-blame. Every sentence and scene was riveting to me. I can’t wait for you to read (or listen!) to it. But don’t just trust me . . .

GLORIA FREAKING STEINEM gives the rave cover blurb. Yeah, that Gloria. (Speaking of blurbs, if you’re unsure if a writing retreat with me is worth your time & money, Anne gives one of the raving-est blurbs I’ve ever received about her Carmel experience and the results, which you can read about here. #ILoveMyLife&People.)

In 2022, Anne co-founded the Psychedelic Communications Hub, a pioneering initiative aimed at educating the public about the therapeutic potential and risks associated with psychedelic use. Amazeballs.

Bonnie Wan’s THE LIFE BRIEF: A Playbook for No-Regrets Living was a near-immediate USA Today bestseller because it’s GLORIOUSLY, LIFE-ALTERINGLY FANTASTIC. How so, you wonder? Check out part of her fab book bio (this is how it’s done, people).

We all have moments when we doubt the path we’re on. Is this the career for me? Am I in the right relationship? Is this as good as it gets? These questions can feel uncomfortable without a method for uncovering the answers. Enter The Life Brief, a simple yet effective playbook for navigating life’s decisions, crossroads, and curveballs. Modeled after the creative brief, a tool used by the most innovative companies in the world to unlock clarity and unleash action, The Life Brief carves a path for living with intention and imagination.

Designed by leading brand strategist Bonnie Wan (Partner and Head of Brand Strategy at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, one of Fast Company’s 2021 Most Innovative Companies In The World), The Life Brief is a practice in three parts: The first phase, Get Messy, is a set of open-ended writing prompts that cut through limiting beliefs and false assumptions about what’s possible. The second phase, Get Clear, offers prompts for finding clarity around what you truly, deeply want. The third phase, Get Active, catapults you into the steps to making those desires a reality.

Friends. I knew Bonnie’s information well, seeing as I heard all about it in Carmel years ago and always remembered the material. Bonnie’s big day job and mothering to four keeps her busy, but when she was ready, I had the great pleasure of brainstorming with her on the proposal before her agent went out with it and her “major” deal with Simon & Schuster was announced in the trades. (That was a squealing call I live for. I will forever remember where I was standing in the yard.) But even with all of that history, crafting my recent life brief was a TOTAL revelation and surprise, ushering in a river of happy, healing tears as all kinds of clarity I wasn’t expecting came flooding in.

I felt like Superwoman, and I predict you will, too. (Like Anne, Bonnie also gave me the sweetest blurb about her Carmel experience, which lives here. Okay, I’ll shut up about additional retreater blurbs in this post and quit linking to them because a bunch of the following gals did the same but, if you know me, I always say NOT to write redundantly. LOL.) My best takeaway for this title? Get messy. Get clear. Get active. JUST GET THIS MAGNIFICENT BOOK!

Jessica Fein’s BREATH TAKING: A Memoir of Family, Dreams, and Broken Genes (a 2024 Zibby Summer Reading Selection!) is so stunning you’ll be forever changed. 💜 If you’re in the LA area, I’ll be interviewing Jessica at Zibby’s Bookshop on the evening of June 20th. Here’s the Eventbrite invite to get your free ticket. Join us to hear about what Elle magazine calls: A story of relentless heartbreak met with wit, strength, and resilience” and bestselling author Joanna Rakoff calls “A master class in how to be a person.”

At the age of five, Jessica Fein’s daughter Dalia was diagnosed with a rare degenerative disease that would claim her life at seventeen. Before that moment, and inspired by Dalia’s insuppressible zest for life, Fein and her family would discover how to live in the present when no one can fix the future. In this heartfelt yet clear-eyed story, Fein maps both her journey to becoming an adoptive mom and the roller coaster ride of loving and caring for a terminally ill child, persevering when the simple act of taking a breath can become an act of courage. Through it all, she discovers the need to be both a relentless advocate and a calm presence, to show vulnerability and strength, and to allow Joy to be louder than sorrow.

Jessica’s the host of the I Don’t Know How You Do It podcast. I don’t know how Jess did it—write about such agony in the most entertaining and LIFE-AFFIRMING way, but you will be hooked and inspired from page one. Jessica is frequently published (in more than 100 columns & essays in The Boston GlobePsychology TodayZibby Mag, and the Huffington Post, like this HuffPost piece). As you might guess, she’s got a LOT to share. So, even if you cannot see us in person, please celebrate this beautiful book by giving Jess (and all of these ladies!) a read and a follow.

Jaclyn Goldis’ THE MAIN CHARACTER: A Novel (“Rollicking good fun!” The Wall Street Journal) is THE MAIN THING ON MY MIND lately because I keep thinking, “How can anyone be so talented?” You’ve likely heard me go on about how Jaclyn came to Carmel in 2016 just after quitting her lawyer job—and how we called her “youngin'” and secretly hoped her dream of traveling the world to write novels w/o a backup plan wasn’t bonkers. When she landed in Israel and moved there full-time, I worried for her safety. Every time she’s hidden in a bunker or stairwell or bathroom over the years, I pray for our girl crouched in the darkness with a fate that, like her relatives, feels beyond her talent or control.

In lyrical language—whether in a love story or thriller (now two & counting!), Jaclyn’s deep devotion to her ancestry informs her novels with beautiful urgency. Her grandmother, for whom she’s named, escaped on the last train out of her small Ukrainian hometown, Zhytomyr, before the Nazis invaded. She left with her two small children, but her parents—Jaclyn’s great-grandparents—and other family members weren’t so lucky and were buried in mass graves close to where her father grew up. Jacyln’s current novel has a storyline loosely inspired by the persecution of her father and grandmother in the Soviet Union.

Each book published (all by top publishers, with a two-book deal just inked in April) is wildly different and equally masterful. In The Main Character (Atria/Emily Bestler Books, May 21, 2024), reclusive author Ginevra Ex is famous for her unusual approach to crafting her bestselling thrillers: she hires real people, conducts intensive interviews, and then fictionalizes them. Her latest main character, Rory, is thrilled when Ginevra presents her with an extravagant bonus—a lavish trip along Italy’s Mediterranean coast on the famed, newly renovated Orient Express. But when Rory boards the train, she’s stunned to discover that her brother, her best friend, and ex-fiancé are passengers, all invited by Ginevra, all hiding secrets. With each stop, from Cinque Terre to Rome to Positano, it becomes increasingly clear that Ginevra has masterminded the ultimate real-life twisty plot with Rory as her main character. As Ginevra’s deceptions mount and the lies and machinations of Rory’s travel companions pile up, Rory begins to fear that her trip will culminate like one of Ginevra’s books: with a murder or two. In the opulent compartments of the iconic train, Rory must untangle the shocking reasons why Ginevra wanted them there—and to what deadly end.

Tension. Drama. Shocking twists. My heart’s pounding, reliving it. Let’s go. All aboard!

PS. Jaclyn’s last thriller, THE CHATEAU is now out in paperback! It’s a gloriously twisty and compulsive whodunit set in picturesque Provence in a chateau (amid winery tours, market visits, and fancy dinners overlooking olive groves and lavender fields + MURDER) that I ripped through at warp speed. Reading it, I felt like I was curling up with a classic Christie! Stylish, smart, sinister, and completely unputdownable. I told ya. How???

Kelly Noonan Gore’s HEAL: Discover Your Unlimited Potential and Awaken the Powerful Healer Within is out in paperback in 20 languages! Where to start with Kel? Both LA health-nut spiritual seekers obsessed with playing sports AND reading/writing (with business brainiac boyfriends who would become our husbands), Kelly and I felt like long-lost friends from our introductory Carmel call. She’s come to multiple Carmel retreats, and we’ve cheered each other on through many seasons that involve our kids and creations. Watching her documentary film, HEAL, go from a mere idea to pages of notes and into pre-production, a whirlwind of worldwide success, and then an award-winning book has been gripping. Through giving notes on pre-screenings and traveling to celebrate the film in festivals and then the book via her star-studded Beverly Hills book party, none of it surprised me as ALL OF IT F*CKING WOWED. It’s been like watching a grounded, humble, yet glamorous Hollywood literary fairytale come true (and still is). Through her HEAL podcast (which I’ll be on this fall, talking about the healing power of STORY) and her multiple appearances on my Beautiful Writers Podcast (and my book)—the latest of which will soon air with Rhonda Byrne of The Secret fame (34 million books sold—say whaat?—an inspiration for Heal), Kel is the personification of magic and healing by her very nature.

Good Vibes

I’m so happy the award-winning Heal book is now available in paperback! Based on the groundbreaking film, but with more detail (because it’s a book!), here’s why people worldwide adore this title: Because humanity is sick—nearly half of the US, for instance, suffers from chronic illness (determined when the course of a disease lasts for more than three months). And often, when we receive a diagnosis from a medical professional, we become so overwhelmed with fear or stress that we give up authority over our health and well-being. But Kelly and her many experts prove that WE control our physical health, and it is possible to awaken the healing potential in us all to heal our bodies ourselves!

Like the film, the Heal book follows two people on their healing journeys while combining science-backed research and real-world testimonials from experts like Marianne Williamson, Bruce Lipton, Deepak Chopra, Bernie Siegel, Anita Moorjani, Kelly Brogan, and many others to offer hope and alternative treatments for people suffering from a variety of chronic illnesses. By identifying the emotional roots of illness, we can tap into the body’s revitalizing powers and discover that although healing can be complex and deeply personal, it can also happen spontaneously. Heal “will open your mind and help you recreate your perception” (Alejandro Junger, MD, New York Times bestselling author) by showing that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions significantly impact our overall health.

Jennifer Cramer-Miller’s INCURABLE OPTIMIST: Living with Illness and Chronic Hope will leave you feeling something we all need in spades right now: hope in the goodness of people! In this 2024 International Impact Book Awards Winner, Publishers Weekly starred review (“a knockout memoir”), and a PW Book of the Week, you can’t help but fall in love with twenty-two-year-old Jennifer Cramer-Miller who, thrilled with her new job, charming boyfriend, and Seattle apartment receives a devastating autoimmune diagnosis. Suddenly, rather than planning for a bright future, she finds herself soaking a hospital pillow with tears and grappling with words like “progressive” and “incurable.”

Jennifer had unwillingly crossed over from wellness to chronic illness—from thriving to kidney failure. Her chances of survival hinged upon the expertise of doctors, the generosity of strangers, and the benevolence of loved ones. But what kind of life would that be? This family love story explores loss and acceptance, moving forward with uncertainty, and forging a path to real and lasting joy.

Here’s the craziest thing. This beautiful and vibrant woman has had FOUR kidney transplants, and yet, if she weren’t so passionate about helping others and sharing her story, you’d never know it. Cramer-Miller is pure LIGHT and vibrant energy, shining that bright light on people helping people in difficult times. This memoir will make you want to hug the humans you love. “Sometimes it’s the sorrows that threaten to pull us apart that ultimately unite us in hope,” she says. Bless you, Jennifer. I’m so grateful you came into my life. I love you.

Julia Mathison’s HEARTBEAT THRESHOLD: is an ebook collection of five short stories that will capture your heart. In my lifetime of reading, Julia stands out as one of the most beautiful storytellers I’ve EVER read. In my bones, I swear she’s reincarnated (or a direct channel) to one of these greats—Austen, Brontë, Alcott, or Woolf. She’s also a dear girlfriend after two retreats, too many meals to count, and just as many tears and laughs.

Meet this Aussie ex-finance lawyer who now lives and writes in France. She founded SPIRIT NESTS – bespoke writing retreats in the south of France. Jules holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in French, Spanish, and Latin American Studies and an Honors Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree. Her creative crop rotations include painting, favoring acrylics and watercolors.

For the life of me, I don’t know why Julia didn’t tell me this treasure was in the works and let me send it to agents. (She’s promised not to do that with the masterpieces she brought to Carmel. Lord in heaven.) But sometimes creativity pours forth and must be shared post haste. I secretly love that she listened to her muse and went for it. Bravo, Mama. Carmelies, please order this page-turner and experience the mastery for yourself. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this writer’s gorgeous craft.

Retreat Book Releases

Tamika Christie’s ROUX: A Novel is written in the vein of Steel Magnolias, taking us into the lives of African American families with their unique hardships and triumphs in relationships, culture, and values. It’s relatable, comforting, and challenging, a heartfelt story set against the backdrop of the marshy bayous of Louisiana.

Tamika’s a practicing attorney, a creative introvert, an avid reader, an annoying rule follower (her words), and a half-marathon-running Pinot Noir-loving mama. She writes award-winning stories encouraging healthy family dynamics and upending cycles of generational trauma. And she kicks it on social media! Tamika’s many videos (watch & learn!) are insightful, educational, addictive, and FUN regarding the writing life. You will ADORE this woman and the worlds she so masterfully creates. But beware, you can lose hours watching her TikTok vids. I do, happily.

Like us, Tamika’s characters make bad choices, but they find their way back to positivity through self-love and family support. Plot twists always exist, but each story offers messages of hope, redemption, and love. “Yes, my stories are fiction, but they mirror real life. I hope when you read my words, you feel inspired, worthy, and hopefully, experience laugh-out-loud moments. After all, that’s why I write.” Yes! Yes! Yes! I LOVE this and you, Tamika. xo

Shelley Paxton’s SOULBBATICAL: A Corporate Rebel’s Guide to Finding Your Best Life comes from a true corporate rebel. For twenty-six years, Shell was a marketing executive for iconic brands—including Harley-Davidson, Visa, McDonald’s, and AOL. In 2017, when she came to Carmel (which she wrote about extensively in the book as part of her confidence-building, creative renewal—wow!), she’d recently left the corporate world to become Chief Soul Officer of her life and, ultimately, her own company. Her retreat mates and I were on fire for her mission with Soulbbatical. We saw her goal to liberate the souls of leaders and organizations by inspiring them to realize their most significant purpose, possibility, and impact as a revolution.

“This debut memoir couldn’t be timelier… Her fervor is palpable: The courage it took for Paxton to detach from corporate life, the fear and uncertainty she candidly reveals, and the verve and vitality of her prose all serve to make this a most memorable book… An honest, emotionally gut-wrenching, and ultimately soul-satisfying memoir.” —Kirkus Reviews

Do you know how some people just GET IT? They can look at you and see your potential. That’s Shelley. Her lightning-fast brain is fiercely committed to your success and soulful fulfillment. As a certified professional coach, Shelley works with executives at Fortune 100 companies and with fellow rebel-soul individuals and entrepreneurs. Shelley wrote in her book that she left Carmel terrified and excited, not at all ready (we rarely are!). But at 48, she finally had her manifesto, and we’re all better for it. This book (via Simon & Schuster) is equal parts memoir, manifesto, and interactive guide, inviting you to create your most authentic, courageous, and purposeful life. Bravo, rebel sis!

Becky Feola‘s DESERT ROSE MARTINIS: Recipes for Classic Favorites will help you get your drink on. How fun is that? I’ve never had a martini, but rumor has it that a good one is elegant, sophisticated, and divine. Becky offers an abundance of delicious choices for whatever your taste buds prefer.

This title is new to me (a non-drinker for most of my life—a tragic shock to my father, a wine collector—but even I’m salivating at this purdy cover!). Becks came to an early retreat, and we had the BEST time working on (and getting her an agent who sold) what would become her multiple award-winning book ELDERCARE CONSULTANT.

I had no clue my friend here had this other skill as a mixologist. LOL. But with 66 recipes, Becky says that even those who swear they don’t like this iconic cocktail will find a version to change their mind. There’s no need to read through pages of history and details you may or may not care about; Desert Rose Martinis takes you straight to the recipe with gorgeous photos for each concoction. You may find yourself trying flavors you never imagined simply because of the pics. So, grab your cocktail shaker and start mixing. And let me know which ones you try. Ya never know. I reserve the right to get my drink on in the future—maybe in Carmel!

Allie Hill’s THE GIRLFRIEND’S GUIDE TO EMPTY NESTING is the lifeline you mamas NEED if you’re kid’s about to leave the nest (or already has, and you’re still reeling). After years of early morning alarms and never-ending laundry, many moms expect to feel liberated and excited when their kids leave home. But what happens when the Land of Empty Nesting isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and you suddenly feel like a ship without a rudder? A bird without a flock? A mom without a purpose?

When Allie’s daughter left for college, she thought she was alone in those feelings but soon discovered many women were similarly silently struggling. Finding purpose and enjoying life after the kids grow up (and fly the coop) is often more challenging than we expect.

You may have heard me say that my grown son is my soulmate kid. He still lives nearby, so I can breathe. But I’ve had to learn through countless ways over many years (he’s 33) to let go. IF ONLY THIS BOOK HAD BEEN WRITTEN EARLIER, I WOULD HAVE HAD SO MANY FEWER SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. You’ll love this humorous guide with many realistic tips and strategies to rediscover your passions, purpose, and, most importantly, yourself when facing your empty nest. With Allie’s stellar stories and wise mama words, you’ll stop feeling alone and purposeless and genuinely begin to enjoy life as an empty nester! (PS. Think of how much reading + writing time you’ll have. Bonus!)

Anese Cavanaugh’s CONTAGEOUS CULTUREnow in paperback, is nine years old already! It feels like yesterday Neesie and I were dreaming about this beautiful book on Carmel beach. After several in-person retreats (+ one virtual retreat), where we became lifelong besties and even got wrist tattoos on the way back to LA (yes, Carmel is where I find all my girlfriends—LOL), I remain awed by this woman who has rocked a bajillion stages with her keynotes, changing lives and businesses with this visionary book and its follow-up, Contagious You.

From CC’s book bio: GET INSPIRED. GET EXCITED. GET RESULTS. With more competition, connectedness, & opportunities than ever, this new era demands a workplace culture that’s collaborative, productive, energized, and contagious: one that encourages extraordinary growth and innovation. A culture that starts with you―showing up, setting the tone, and lighting the fire. 🔥 Developed by the award-winning creator of The IEP Method to strengthen your “Intentional Energetic Presence,” this is more than a leadership book―this is your future calling. Anese is an award-winning speaker, advisor, teacher, and thinking partner to some of today’s most innovative organizations and business leaders, writing a regular “Showing Up” column on INC(.com) and contributing to The Huffington Post + CEO(.com). If you’re like me, you’ll want to follow Anese anywhere.

Lynda Filler’s DESTINY’S DAUGHTER will have you asking yourself, “Do I believe in destiny?” From her early years as a military brat, Lynda perfected the art of starting over. But nothing prepared her to see Russian warships on the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul (where she currently lives) on their way to start a war with Ukraine.

Since meeting the amazing Lynda at my first writing retreat in 2009 (shout out to that magical Breckenridge, CO, house!), Lynda’s released MANY books, including 9 CODE RAVEN novels in the series. This author of Mystery, Action, Contemporary and Romantic Suspense, Urban Poetry, and Memoir retired from her sales career in Mexico to travel and continues living her creative dreams. She fell in love with a young Turk, and historic, romantic Istanbul became her new muse. I rarely meet people as prolific as Lynda, and it’s been so inspiring over the years watching her live out her creative dreams so boldly and beautifully.

“This mysterious and exotic city [Istanbul] turned out to be a writer’s dream,” Lynda says. “Until a worldwide pandemic, lockdowns, deaths, and panic attacks made me question if I had lost complete touch with reality. My emotions took over, and anxiety replaced creativity. Looking back on my life, I shouldn’t be surprised to find myself close to a war zone. I am, after all, a product of my military father. I am destiny’s daughter.” Wow. Goosebumps, sister.

Andrea Antiss’s JUICY LIFE: 8 Surprising Steps to Awaken Your True Self is written by a gal with a JUICY life!

Andrea Anstiss is a transpersonal psychotherapist and certified Holotropic Breathwork facilitator with over thirty years of healing expertise. Her empathic approach helps her clients to heal the child within, to transform trauma, addiction, and challenging relationships, and to awaken to their innate preciousness. A resident of the Gulf States of the Middle East since 1990, she lives in Dubai and spends several months each year in New Zealand. Andrea works with her international clientele individually, in workshops, and online. She creates a safe, nurturing space and facilitates the unfolding of her clients’ most profound dreams, uncovering their hidden brilliance and transforming blind spots and wounds into potent resources.

More than most people I’ve ever met, Andrea has a seemingly unquenchable thirst for knowledge. She’s traveled the globe studying different therapies and healing modalities, completed her Master’s in Transpersonal Psychology, and taught the Hoffman Process in the UK (a healing workshop long on my bucket list). This remarkable book invites you to explore 8 steps that will challenge and surprise you, 8 steps that have the power to transform your life through unearthing your emotional blueprint and your inherited “Tricky Traits” (deep-rooted patterns of behavior that can adversely affect your relationships, health, work, and finances). Discover how your ancestral lineage has influenced your life, confidently own the skills and strengths already within you while feeling the Joy of making fresh and empowered choices, and claim your prize: the delight, wonder, and spaciousness of your True Self. Beautiful, Andrea!

Whew! If I smoked, I’d have a carton of cigs about now. If you’re still here, OMG, thank you for reading and being part of my heart family. I’m the luckiest book-worm-turned-book-mama ever. I wish we could all gather for a group hug.

Until next time, write on.

Linda xo

PS. In the summary for Jessica Fein’s Breath Taking, I mentioned I’d be at Zibby’s Bookshop interviewing her on June 20th. I’ll also be there the following night, where I’m being interviewed by Emmy-winning TV host Tom Bergeron (Dancing with the StarsAmerica’s Funniest Home VideosHollywood Squares) about my writing memoir Beautiful Writers and crafting memoir. Here’s that inviteCome both nights for twice the hugs!!!)
PSS. Want to share any of your love of these titles with us? Join me over on my Instagram, X, or Facebook feeds. Let’s make it a love-fest.
PSSS. I still have spots in my last live retreat this year, starting on Sept. 9th at the gorgeous La Playa Hotel. Fill out this brief form if you wanna hop on Zoom to see if it’s right for you.

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