I have goosebumps. See—and hear about it all: The gorgeous space and place, views and vistas in my version of heaven on earth. I can’t wait for you to feel the what-do-you-mean-we-just-met sisterhood, the literary matchmaking, belly laughs, wish lists and big deals, Ted Talks + countless dreams realized. Mostly, I think by watching this, you’ll experience our support for each other coming straight to you from this collection of sweet memories. You tell me.
When the creator of the HEAL film and book, Kelly Noonan Gores, generously offered to record a “commercial” for Carmel to splice into the end of our Beautiful Writers Podcast interview with THE SECRET’s Rhonda Byrne, I thought I’d hit the lottery. I loved this recording so much that I asked if she’d be okay if I put pictures and video to it—and turned it into a kind of Carmel Trailer. To my great delight, she said yes!

My son, Tosh, and I sat together last night and made this over green tea and chocolate chip cookies. I can’t stop smiling. I fall more deeply in love with my work (and life) every day. I hope you enjoy watching this little creative collaboration. It’s the next best thing to being there.

Thank you, Kelly! (Plus bear hugs to Taylor, Maia, Diane, the La Playa Hotel, and everyone else pictured.) My heart is overflowing with gratitude.

Write on, my friend. Keep dreaming your big dreams—and taking the steps, whatever they are, to make them happen.

LS xo

PS. If you see our paths crossing at any point, I’d love to connect. I still have a spot open for the September 9th La Playa retreat. Fill out this form and we’ll hop on Zoom to talk about your book and the possibilities.

And be sure and let me know if you’d like to talk payment plans. Mama lives for win-wins.

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