YES! I finally kicked the nasty cold and cough that made me sound like a heavy smoker living on cheesecake for the past month and went to the ZOO! When was the last you spent the day marveling at apes, giraffes, elephants, and flamingos so close you could see the bugs in their ears? The animal freak in me binge-watches the Bronx Zoo on the Discovery channel, but it’s not the same as seeing and feeling their energy live—and they had a merry-go-round!


March was so arduous (like being dropped in a gator pit) that I gave in and did a three-day juice fast followed by two days of raw fruits and veggies—anything to banish the cruds from my chest and elevate my sinking mood. The last thing I thought I’d be good at was hosting family from Vegas. But spending three glorious days with my brother-in-law, his wife, and their three-year-old granddaughter was more than medicinal. It reminded me that I’m still a kid, too. And always will be. 



If you’re in it, it’s likely to get better! According to my sister, Carol Allen, the Vedic astrologer, the planet considered the BEST in all of astrology – Venus, “the great GOOD guy” – just moved into one of its “very favorite signs,” Taurus, until May 2nd. That’s a good amount of time for a reset, dontcha think?


With eyes that no longer ache and sting from sickness, I will use this time to return to reading client proposals amidst the fun. And travel! It’ll be my first time back to Carmel leading a writing retreat in nearly a year. (Forgive me if I photo-dump all over your social timelines next week if I can’t help myself from the JOY of being at La Playa again with my girls. Each of the five retreaters is a returning alum! A reunion, of sorts. Wow! I can’t wait to hug them again. And NO feeding or caring for dogs or horses, grocery shopping, or doing a single dish for an entire week!!! Be sure and follow me on Instagram, my fave channel, for the merry-making.) 


Did I gain any perspective, you might be wondering, while feeling funky and weeping in my yard in my PJs? Since we humans are meaning-making machines, I learned that some days the best medicine is to put the pen or the page down, close the laptop, and celebrate the sweet things. Be with your people. Go somewhere new, preferably outdoors. You’ve heard it before, but be a tourist in your town. Do the kid stuff. Take a break from your food, routine, and mother-lovin to-dos. Get on the Mother and tip your face to the sun.


Take it from me; you’ll never venture too far from your inner rambles or ever-weaving storylines. Trust me. You can’t hide for long because they follow you around. But in sharing our world, THE world, you can return to your creativity, breathing deep, and being born anew. Just in time for spring. 


Linda xo
PS. Happy Easter, if that’s your thing. 


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