
(For retreat testimonials, click here.)

thecompoundeffect“To my writing muse and collaborator, Linda Sivertsen, who helped pull out the stories and references from my past and give my process order and coherence.”

Darren Hardy, publisher of SUCCESS magazine, from the Acknowledgments section of his book, The Compound Effect (Vanguard Press), New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestseller—often, a decade+ later, still listed on many “Best business books of all-time” lists.

“Linda is pure magic. With her rare combination of keen editorial insight, unparalleled knowledge of the industry and relentless optimism, she’s the kind of writing coach and friend a writer can only dream of. She’s also a little psychic – only a few days before my debut novel MIRROR IN THE SKY was picked up by Razorbill/Penguin, she sent me a text with a picture of the perfume Terra Nova, the original title of my manuscript. ‘Found this in my bureau today,’ she said. ‘It’s gonna happen soon!’ And of course it did.

“Linda believed in me when I didn’t, knew just when to encourage me to push through roadblocks, and when to offer a sympathetic ear. She is endlessly empathetic, fun to work with and has the ability to see exactly what you’re trying to execute in your writing – even when you don’t. I feel endlessly grateful to be a beneficiary of her big thinking and incredible talents!”

Aditi Khorana, author of Mirror in the Sky (Razorbill/Penguin)

“Linda’s writing makes you stop, smile and remember your dreams. It will move you to action and inspire your soul, making you feel that you’re not alone. I see why people open up to her and why so many love her… I only wish I had read her work sooner.”

Tom Squitieri, USA Today

FireStarterSessions“Linda’s book proposal template is gold. I downloaded a version years ago, followed it to the letter, and launched my writing career.”

Danielle LaPorte, How to Be Loving, The Desire Map, and The Fire Starter Sessions

The Miracle Morning“To my brilliant friend and the creator of BookMama.com, Linda Sivertsen—you are so talented and have such a gift for making any author’s book idea into a bestselling masterpiece. Thank you for contributing your gifts to this book.”

Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle Morning, one of the highest rated books on Amazon, with over 9,000 5-star reviews, and 2.5m books sold

OutboundSteph graciously writes on her acknowledgment page of Unbound:

“To Danielle LaPorte and Linda Sivertsen for creating the Beautiful Writers Group. I cannonballed into that community with gusto and it changed my life. Linda . . . my dear sweet Linda, you turned closet doors into literary Narnia. I am grateful for everything you’ve done for me, and I am grateful for everything you’ve done for so many women like me.”

Steph Jagger, author of Unbound: A Story of Snow and Self-Discovery (Harper Wave)

The-Education-of-Millionaires“I, like Linda, craft book proposals for others (as well as author my own titles). When I’m too close to my work, I call Linda. In a few short hours with my latest proposal, she zeroed in and suggested edits/additions that radically upped my game. Within days, I’d signed with one of the biggest agents in the industry. Days later, I had a six-figure deal with Penguin’s Portfolio imprint, one of the top business imprints in the country. These results were astonishing to me. I couldn’t be more thrilled or appreciative to have Linda (with her quick instincts, generous heart, and big talent) in my tribe.”

Michael Ellsberg, Forbes.com columnist, and author of The Education of Millionaires: It’s Not What You Think and It’s Not Too Late (Portfolio/Penguin)

“We call Linda the ‘Author Whisperer’ because of her seemingly magical ability to uncover the book in a person that wants to be written–often before they’ve even seen it. Like a midwife, she delivers a writer’s core message and brilliance onto the page, in the style agents, editors, and readers are searching for. I have witnessed Linda work her Author-Whisperer magic for years. There are very few people who can do what she does, and we’re always elated with her results!”

Arielle Ford, bestselling author & former book publicist to 13 #1 New York Times bestsellers

lovefornoreason“I’ve known Linda for over a decade, and she’s always at the top of my list when people ask me for a recommendation of writers. And, she’s a fabulous woman!”

Marci Shimoff, NY Times bestselling author, Love for No Reason, and Happy for No Reason (Free Press), and featured teacher in The Secret

Screen Shot 2014-09-15 at 12.31.54 PM“To the author Linda Sivertsen who encouraged this project when it was just the story of a memory in my brain some twenty plus years ago. She wrote about this in her first book and has been a dear friend ever since.”

Guru Singh (CreateSpace) in the acknowledgment section of his book

The Workplace Engagement Solution“Linda had an enormous amount to do with my getting this book deal. We’ve known and supported one another for 15 years and I came to her this time asking for her support in becoming a better writer and getting back into the publishing industry. The insight and education she provided helped me elevate my every standard of what it means to be a great writer and getting my message across with clarity and eloquence.

“Linda is a master in helping others ‘get it.’ She is a fearless truth teller, and delivers it with such humor and lightheartedness that I hear every word. She once scrawled: ‘You shit brilliance, but forget the DETAILS!’ across one of my manuscripts. Linda is loved by so many people because of her spirit, kindness, fierceness, and clarity. She is always committed to my best. To everyone’s best. We did it, Mama!”

David Harder, author of The Workplace Engagement Solution (Career Press, Summer), and The Truth About Work

“I am et121 First Datesernally grateful to my book angel, Linda Sivertsen, who gave me notes on the book and who helped me connect with my agent. You have everything to do with the success of this book.”

Wendy Newman, from the acknowledgment section of: 121 First Dates (Atria/Simon & Schuster)

secretsofpleasurableweightloss“Linda Siversten was an integral part in me getting my dream book deal–6-figures from a publisher who totally gets my vision and is behind me in every way. It’s clear as day that this wouldn’t have happened without Linda. For that I owe her deep gratitude, for the rest of my career as a published author.”

Jena la Flamme, author of Secrets of Pleasurable Weight Loss (Sounds True Publishing)

Want to see the latest Carmel retreater book deals?

wabisabilove“To Author Whisperer, Linda Sivertsen your magical ability to reorganize words and sentences is always amazing. Thank you for always being there for me.”

Arielle Ford, from the Acknowledgments section of her latest bestselling book, Wabi Sabi Love (HarperOne)

thenormalbar“Dear Linda. Thank you so much for your insightful editing of my proposal. Please have anyone call me about your services. I will hands-down rave about you! Who would have thought that adding, deleting, and moving around sentences would make such a big difference? The expertise you brought to the table was incredible! The advice you gave me, honest and invaluable. I’ve met so many first-time and established authors who think their work is ready to be shown when it’s not. Hiring an expert and top-notch editor is a very small investment in the big picture. If an author isn’t willing to make the investment in their writing, why should an agent or publishing house?”

Chrisanna Northrup, author, The Normal Bar: Where Does Your Relationship Fall? (Random House)

thefuturist“Linda Sivertsen always gives me such great ideas!”

Rebecca Keegan, Los Angeles Times film writer & regular contributor to Time magazine, Cosmo, andVanity Fair online, and author of The Futurist: The Life and Films of James Cameron (Crown)

big-fat-lies-women-tell-themselves-ditch-your-amy-ahlers-paperback-cover-art“To Linda Sivertsen, the book proposal coach filled with love and light, thank you for your words and advice and for pushing me to dig deep.”

Amy Ahlers, from the Acknowledgments section of her book, Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves (New World Library)

“Linda Sivertsen, you’re the best book proposal writer/coach ever! As a bestselling author and legal expert on CNBC, you’d think this proposal stuff would be easy for me. But it can feel way more difficult than law school or taking the bar! You came in and immediately knew what to do with my proposal—moving things around, rewriting sections, and envisioning a bigger vision for this book than even I imagined. I’m so grateful. I’ve been searching for you for a very, very long time!”

Alexis Martin Neely, America’s Personal Family Lawyer and CEO of The Family Wealth Planning Institute

“Linda, I’m midway through the Steve Jobs bio you referenced on your blog, and for all his brilliance, one thing I haven’t heard him talk about yet is how important it is to surround yourself with people who love you, believe in your vision, and will go to the mat for your dreams. I’ve felt blessed and lucky for every moment of our time together, and I see how you’ve cultivated a uniquely radiant way of loving your clients’ book babies into being. I think the project we’re working on together is as close as a man can come to giving birth. Thanks for being my midwife!”

Matthew Taylor, Memoirist

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Video magic. ❤️ I love tech! What could be better than a video call with your grandkids? Hunt, we adore you! Uncle Tosh & I could laugh with you and Hazel all day. xoxo #Goose #hazelisperfect ...

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Cover for Linda Sivertsen
Linda Sivertsen

Linda Sivertsen

Author 🌿 Beautiful Writers Podcast & Book! 🎧FSC Ambassador🌲
Carmel & Virtual Writing Retreats📚

Does anyone else here think of The Bloggess famous (& HILARIOUS) Beyonce the Giant Metal Chicken essay anytime they see one? 🐓If you haven’t read the best thing ever posted online, search #KnockKnockMotherFucker, go to her blog and type in “And that’s why you should learn to pick your battles,” or read her book, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened. You know a post is brilliant when it has over 4,300 blog comments! 

Yeah, I just saved your Sunday from doomscrolling to laughing. You’re welcome. xo 😂🏆

#BeyoncetheMetalChicken #JennyLawson #TheBloggess
PS. Jenny gives a super fun behind-the-scenes view on this story and how her husband was PISSED (LOL) on the #BeautifulWritersPodcast, the episode with Martha Beck—another thing to bring joy to your day. ☀️Image attachmentImage attachment

Does anyone else here think of The Bloggess famous (& HILARIOUS) Beyonce the Giant Metal Chicken essay anytime they see one? 🐓If you haven’t read the best thing ever posted online, search #KnockKnockMotherFucker, go to her blog and type in “And that’s why you should learn to pick your battles,” or read her book, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened. You know a post is brilliant when it has over 4,300 blog comments!

Yeah, I just saved your Sunday from doomscrolling to laughing. You’re welcome. xo 😂🏆

#BeyoncetheMetalChicken #JennyLawson #TheBloggess
PS. Jenny gives a super fun behind-the-scenes view on this story and how her husband was PISSED (LOL) on the #BeautifulWritersPodcast, the episode with Martha Beck—another thing to bring joy to your day. ☀️
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2 days ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

That TOTALLY made my day, thank you 🙏😂 I saw this one in Salt Lake City — I shall name him George Cluckney.

I LOVE our #BWG members! What a JOY to see #BeautifulWritersBook out in the wild, in this case, Mexico. ❤️ Thank you for taking me with you, Kristen Jean Wonder (& for permission to repost). We LOVE having you in the group (w/ your #wolfdog in the background on #WriteIns), hearing about your many amazing adventures, and cheering you and YOUR book on. 🎉📗

See you in the next #WriteIn! 
Beautifulwritersgroup.comImage attachment

I LOVE our #BWG members! What a JOY to see #BeautifulWritersBook out in the wild, in this case, Mexico. ❤️ Thank you for taking me with you, Kristen Jean Wonder (& for permission to repost). We LOVE having you in the group (w/ your #wolfdog in the background on #WriteIns), hearing about your many amazing adventures, and cheering you and YOUR book on. 🎉📗

See you in the next #WriteIn!
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6 days ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Your book was the best 'retreat from my retreat' 🥰 I'm trying to pace myself through it so it doesn't end but it's hard! It’s so beautifully written. Filled with raw honestly, warm humor, and the BEST insights from authors I've been reading for years. It truly captures the necessary 'messiness' for the 'big dreams' to become possible. And these are only my thoughts so far - I still have 150 pages left 🙌🏼 Thank you for pouring your heart into this book Linda Sivertsen — it's exactly what I needed and more 🫶🏻✨♥️

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