The world will never make it easier for you to write your masterpiece. You know this. Halloween’s coming in spooky fast. And the year’s end will be here before you’ve digested all that candy corn. Rather than starting 2025 wishing you were further in on your writing project (where did the year go?!) or racing to make up for “lost” time, let’s make substantial progress on your book NOW while you’ve got the momentum of fall at your back.

I’m mostly pretty quiet about my retreats. Still, I woke up this morning with five reasons why joining us in a few weeks would be satisfyingly sweet, while donating to animal hurricane emergency relief would make it doubly so.

  1. FOCUS ON YOU. Take a time out with us, where we can silence stress so you can dive deep into your writing CRAFT. There’s nothing like plugging into a brilliant, intimate group in a container that works to protect your art from the sneakiest temptations, focus-killing fears, and overall Resistance. We will wrangle you and your ideas like you cannot believe in an environment of profound connection.
  1. AGENT SIGNINGS & BOOK DEALS. There are many results and testimonials for my Carmel and Virtual Retreats. (You may have seen my interview on MarieTV where Marie Forleo said in this clip that 80% of people want to write books, but 97% of people who start never finish. Not on my watch!) With my decades of experience writing and consulting on bestsellers and my many industry contacts, whom I connect you with when ready and look forward to my recommendations (win-win-win!), you’re far more likely to type “The End” and get published by being part of this community. Overwhelm will make way for a plan, and the steps will be clear, FUN (thank heavens), and doable.
  1. INCREDIBLE CREATIVE BONDS: The women coming are beyond. They’re ballers, business owners, and badasses with the kindest hearts and brains on fire for their projects and ready to contribute their passion to yours. You may meet your new best friend or several of them (again, see the above links for testimonials). At the very least, five other women, including me, will see you, hear you, laugh and cry with you, and CARE about you and your work, forever invested in your success. Dang, right?
  1. INVESTING IN YOUR FUTURE: Putting your money where your dreams are can have a magical way of up-leveling everything. In making commitments, decisions, and taking action, it’s like you’re telling the Universe what you really want, whereby you both might start taking this book thang more seriously. And bonus! In many cases, this investment in your craft is tax deductible, something your accountant may approve of as a wise financial end-of-year deduction.
  1. FABULOUS FESTIVITIES: Imagine this. It’s the holidays, and you DID it! You put your time, love, and attention toward your book and got a TON done during one of the best creative experiences of your life (um, yeah, testimonials). Now you can enjoy the end of the year with your people like never before because of the peace you feel from a job well done. With your community alongside you, you know the exciting steps ahead for 2025. You close out 2024 with gratitude from creative fulfillment.

Let’s talk about you joining us on October 22nd. Fill out the brief form at the end of this page, choose a time to talk on my calendar, and we’ll brainstorm scripting your success. I cannot wait.

Linda xo

PS. On our start day, October 22nd, I will send a $100 donation for each attendee to the Best Friends Animal Society’s emergency response team, actively supporting the needs of impacted animal shelters and rescue groups in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee.

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