Funny Mishaps + Carmel News!

Funny Mishaps + Carmel News!

I miss writing this blog. I haven’t been ignoring it on purpose, just been down for the count. About a month ago I fractured my ankle in an elegant (not), extremely coordinated attempt (hardly) to tackle my 6’4” boyfriend. I was in my office writing and overheard him...
Client Spotlight x 2 MORE!

Client Spotlight x 2 MORE!

I’m driving home from Phoenix, Arizona to Los Angeles right now. (That’s an amusing visual, isn’t it—me juggling the steering wheel, my laptop, and two dogs?) Actually, Larry’s driving while the pups sleep in their kennels. I had the honor of helping set up his...
From Woo-Woo to Woo Hoo…

From Woo-Woo to Woo Hoo…

It’s getting late and we just finished our second evening together in our Carmel writing retreat. We meant to stop at dinnertime tonight, but kept going because the juju was so juicy. Exhausted, I just asked a few of the ladies (who were still around picking at the...
A Thanksgiving Valentine

A Thanksgiving Valentine

Hope you had a delicious Thanksgiving. We’re still in a turkey coma over here, but coming out of it FAST with two more client book deals in the works. Holy tryptophan! Busiest fall E.V.E.R. Thus, this week’s Pub Tip is super skinny: Today we’re honoring one of our...

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