The G Spot

The G Spot

I hope you’re having a lovely day wherever you are, and finding time to read something glorious. Or, even better, WRITE something glorious! You are writing, right? I’m back in the writing saddle myself these days with a July book deadline. It’s been heavenly sitting...
Want a STELLAR 2021?

Want a STELLAR 2021?

You’ve probably heard me say that I don’t make a significant move without consulting the stars via my little sis, Carol Allen, one of the top Vedic astrologers (& love coaches!) in the country. Her predictions are so spot on that I’ve learned...


Focus. Focus. “Hey, you! Yeah, YOU! FOCUS! “It’s just you and me here. “Leave everything else. Out. There. “I’m all you need right now. “Give me your attention. “And I’ll come to liiiiife.” This was me a few years ago when I wrote this post, my...
Retreat Update: In Carmel & Virtual

Retreat Update: In Carmel & Virtual

Your book. Your love letter—to all you’ve been, done, and learned. You probably had a timeline in your head about when you’d have your samples and/or book proposal ready to pitch agents—YOU WERE DOIN’ IT! And then the world changed. Everything...

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