by Linda S | Aug 6, 2021 | Pub Tip Blog, Writing, Marketing & Publishing Tips
There’s no greater joy for me than shortcutting a writer’s process. I love sharing things that took me FOREVER to learn that make getting your stories out to the world easier. I feel like this is why I was born. In talking with my client Jessica the other day—the gal...
by Linda S | Jul 30, 2021 | Writing, Marketing & Publishing Tips
The goosebump moment every writer hopes for—LOVING their new book cover. After countless hours—maybe years, possibly even decades spent writing and editing your manuscript—you hold your breath as you open that email, praying to all that is holy that the JPEG face your...
by Linda S | Jun 16, 2021 | Writing, Marketing & Publishing Tips
Dreams come true, my friend. Hold onto yours TIGHTLY. I’m so happy to share this week’s announcement of my Beautiful Writers book deal in Publishers Marketplace (and in Publishers Weekly, shortly). This was lonnnnng in the making. I could have given up or...
by Linda S | May 21, 2021 | Favorites, Writing, Marketing & Publishing Tips
GREAT NEWS! There are easy ways to ensure literary agents & publishers LOVE your work. I’ve had the best time recording my top strategies for you here, ready for you to download now. This is one of my favorite things I’ve EVER made! In finding myself giving...
by Linda S | Apr 11, 2021 | Virtual Writing Retreats
I hope you’re having a lovely day wherever you are, and finding time to read something glorious. Or, even better, WRITE something glorious! You are writing, right? I’m back in the writing saddle myself these days with a July book deadline. It’s been heavenly sitting...